Daily Archives: March 7, 2018

Controlled Chaos

I’ve been thinking…has there been a single week during Trump’s presidency that was even CLOSE to being, ya know, sorta chill?  Jesus, I can’t even say that out loud without laughing.  I think The Donald would call it “controlled chaos.”  That is, controlled for him…chaos for everyone else.  It’s like he throws the entire world into a blender, and hits “purée.”  And last week, it seemingly drove out his closest confidant…other than his own family…White House Communications Director, Hope Hicks.  Sure, she resigned a day after she testified for several hours in the Mueller investigation, but she had signaled wanting to leave the frenetic pace of Trump World long before that.  She’d been with him during the entire campaign and before that, after all.  Of course, the Lib media tried to glean something nefarious between the two events because…well…their fake news reporting reflects things as they wish them to be, not as they are.  The Media, it seems, are the REAL Dreamers… Continue reading