Survivor: White House

The contrast in the responses and actions of President Trump last week versus the Gun-Hating Progressives and their accomplices in the left-wing media were as stark as comparing Michael Moore to an Olympic athlete…unless of course, I missed that new Olympic event involving how many scales you can break in 60 seconds.  I’ll say one thing about President Trump…he CLEARLY has NOT forgotten his reality TV days.  Not only did he invite a few dozen folks from Parkland and elsewhere for a listening session…students, their parents, parents that lost kids at Columbine and Sandy Hook, etc…but he did it all in front of cameras…AND broadcast on live TV. Let’s be clear…Presidents don’t EVER do stuff like this at the White House…ya know, raw, unscripted events that can go more horribly wrong than Kathy Griffin’s career.  But then again, we’ve never had a President like The Donald…

People vented, cried, comforted each other, and brainstormed potential solutions with mutual respect, civility, and no judgement.  It was powerful.  It was unprecedented.  It was compassionate.  It was substantive.  And yes…it was Trump TV.  The REAL “Survivor,” if you will. Had Barry Obama pulled off ANYTHING even resembling this, the collective thrill up the leg of liberals would have registered a 7.2 on the Richter, and Sainthood would have immediately been bestowed upon him…Gag me with a spoon, said the Valley Girl.  Instead, all the lefty mainstream media pukes did was criticize the fact that President Trump had note cards.  NOTE CARDS?!  NOOOOOOOOO!  OH, THE HUMANITY!

So, when I heard CNN was doing a so-called “town hall” on the school shooting…and after one full revolution of my involuntary eye-roll…I imagined nothing but an infomercial on how the Leftist media exploits a tragedy to push their own liberal agenda.  And they stuck the landing like Nadia Comanici.  The crowd was clearly 99% gun-control loving, 2nd Amendment hating Far Left Democrats.  A deck more stacked than Carmen Electra.  The panelists at this faux event were Senators Marco Rubio (R), and Bill Nelson (D), Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, and NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch.  And while I’ll certainly give them a pass due to the horrendous circumstances, the in-your-face disrespect dished out to Senator Rubio and Dana Loesch from the students and others…nothing but CNN puppets at that point…was both dismaying and disgusting.

Now, since Dana Loesch was there and directly suffered the wrath of this biased, nonsensical farce, I’m going to let her paint the picture for you…“I had nothing in advance. I didn’t know how the setup was going to be. I didn’t know it was going to be in a giant arena where it was 360 all the way around. I had no clue…It was even weird the way they had us walk out because it was like entering like you were a boxer or like WWE. You were walking up to the stage and they had music playing. You had to walk in aisles with all these people screaming and you had to walk toward the stage.”  And as further described in an article in The Federalist, “As Loesch and her security detail walked toward the stage, audience members shouted at her phrases like, “murderer,” “child killer,” and “burn her.”  How nice.  Fair and balanced, right?   Bahahahaha!  And CNN, who by ALL accounts lathered the legion of loony liberals in the crowd into a complete NRA hating frenzy BEFORE the event even began, ran their phony little scheme to perfection…a journalistic Three-Card Monte.

As I often do, let me turn to the professionals for some clear-headed and rather pointed comments, this time from Charles Hurt of The Washington Times...“Never before has such an unspeakable American tragedy been so quickly and shamelessly politicized for petty partisan gain.  The dead were not even buried from the Florida school shooting before the partisan hacks and jackals in the press showed up. With glowing eyes and snarling in the darkness, they were on the scent of a fresh kill they could exploit to advance their own political agenda. And, of course, to goose TV ratings…The only villains present were the team of rolling cameras from CNN, which hosted the so-called “town hall.” It was more like hecklers at a funeral.  Meanwhile, President Trump once again shelved all partisanship and opened the White House to anyone sincerely determined to stop anything like this from happening again…Some good ideas. Some less good ideas. But all serious and not one shred of partisanship.”  Wow, there ARE still journalists out there that don’t spend their waking hours visually inspecting their own colons.  How about that?

While I appreciate President Trump’s efforts…the entire NATIONAL “conversation” on this is a complete exercise in mental masturbation.  It’s like getting a cat and a dog to agree on anything.  A one size fits all, Big Brother approach to ANY issue is almost always a dead-end.  Ever heard of “Obamacare?”  So…my bottom line?  Each STATE needs to take whatever actions THEY deem appropriate in protecting THEIR schools, and let the chips fall where they may.

I mean, what the hell’s wrong with “Apple” Wyoming doing something completely different from “Orange” California?

Not a damn thing.


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