Daily Archives: March 1, 2018

Survivor: White House

The contrast in the responses and actions of President Trump last week versus the Gun-Hating Progressives and their accomplices in the left-wing media were as stark as comparing Michael Moore to an Olympic athlete…unless of course, I missed that new Olympic event involving how many scales you can break in 60 seconds.  I’ll say one thing about President Trump…he CLEARLY has NOT forgotten his reality TV days.  Not only did he invite a few dozen folks from Parkland and elsewhere for a listening session…students, their parents, parents that lost kids at Columbine and Sandy Hook, etc…but he did it all in front of cameras…AND broadcast on live TV. Let’s be clear…Presidents don’t EVER do stuff like this at the White House…ya know, raw, unscripted events that can go more horribly wrong than Kathy Griffin’s career.  But then again, we’ve never had a President like The Donald…
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