Monthly Archives: March 2018

Over My Dead Body

You could see the disgust dripping from his face.  It was palpable.  To obtain the desperately needed funding for the military after several years of getting decimated by sequestration, President Trump begrudgingly…and that’s an understatement…signed the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill.  Oh yeah…and just a trickle of funding for the big, beautiful wall on the southern border…pack’em in, get’em drivers licenses, then directions to the polls, eh Libs?  Anyway, upon signing, Trump said, “There are a lot of things I’m unhappy about in this bill. There are a lot of things we shouldn’t have had in this bill but we were, in a sense, forced [to] if we want to build our military, we were forced to have.”  But I say to Congress, I will never sign another bill like this again. I’m not going to do it again.”  And disbelieve him at your own risk.  OK, the swamp won…THIS time.  I wish he’d have said “over my dead body.”  But considering the violent nature of the wacky far left these days (see Steve Scalise), probably better off not giving anyone in the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd of crazies any ideas… Continue reading

The Jig Is Up

Am I the ONLY one completely torqued by this?  We’re all too well aware of the breathtaking double standards and hypocrisy of the Democrats and Lib Media.  While these partisan putzes continue to babble incoherently about non-existent Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, they cavalierly whitewash what is clearly Watergate on more steroids than a Russian Olympic weightlifter…through Deep State stonewalling and snowflake media complicity.  But like a shabbily built Schwinn, the wheels are completely coming off…finally.  FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, a proud Deep-Stater, was fired…not by Trump as the Media likes to insinuate…but by the FBI’s own apolitical disciplinary arm, The Office of Professional Responsibility.  He “abruptly” stepped down from his post earlier in the year…hmmm…but technically remained an FBI employee.  Now he’s officially canned…two days BEFORE his massive pension would have fallen into his lap, presumably being stripped of it…an epic financial kick in the nads…OUCH!   Continue reading

Korea…And Porn Stars?

The spectacularly crisp “about-face” performed by the fake news media schlubs in the wake of the stunning offer by North Korea’s rotund little Dictator Kim Jong Un to meet directly with President Trump to discuss denuclearization was nothing short of impressive.  Amazingly, many in the mainstream media actually praised The Donald initially over this unexpected development.  Predictably, though, they all seemingly caught themselves, as if to avoid slamming into the cold cement after slipping on a banana peel.  I mean, even one of the resident Libs over at CNN, anchor Erin Burnett, said that Trump would go down as a “great president” if he could solve the North Korea problem.  Such fleeting praise from the Lefty Media, of course, lasted about as long as Michael Moore at an all-you-can-eat tofu bar. Continue reading

Controlled Chaos

I’ve been thinking…has there been a single week during Trump’s presidency that was even CLOSE to being, ya know, sorta chill?  Jesus, I can’t even say that out loud without laughing.  I think The Donald would call it “controlled chaos.”  That is, controlled for him…chaos for everyone else.  It’s like he throws the entire world into a blender, and hits “purée.”  And last week, it seemingly drove out his closest confidant…other than his own family…White House Communications Director, Hope Hicks.  Sure, she resigned a day after she testified for several hours in the Mueller investigation, but she had signaled wanting to leave the frenetic pace of Trump World long before that.  She’d been with him during the entire campaign and before that, after all.  Of course, the Lib media tried to glean something nefarious between the two events because…well…their fake news reporting reflects things as they wish them to be, not as they are.  The Media, it seems, are the REAL Dreamers… Continue reading

Survivor: White House

The contrast in the responses and actions of President Trump last week versus the Gun-Hating Progressives and their accomplices in the left-wing media were as stark as comparing Michael Moore to an Olympic athlete…unless of course, I missed that new Olympic event involving how many scales you can break in 60 seconds.  I’ll say one thing about President Trump…he CLEARLY has NOT forgotten his reality TV days.  Not only did he invite a few dozen folks from Parkland and elsewhere for a listening session…students, their parents, parents that lost kids at Columbine and Sandy Hook, etc…but he did it all in front of cameras…AND broadcast on live TV. Let’s be clear…Presidents don’t EVER do stuff like this at the White House…ya know, raw, unscripted events that can go more horribly wrong than Kathy Griffin’s career.  But then again, we’ve never had a President like The Donald…
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