Daily Archives: February 21, 2018

Schoolyard Killing Fields

I despise writing about this.  In fact, I’m sickened by it.  Believe me, it’s WAY more fun writing about the moronic things that dribble out of Nancy Pelosi’s Botox-laden yap every five minutes, or railing on the Trump-hating tabloid fake news media.  The one issue that you’d think people could come together on…stopping mass shootings, particularly at schools……our kids are dying, after all… is regrettably, one of the most politicized.  We know the drill.  The gun-hating Left reflexively screams “BAN GUNS”…The Right and NRA interpret the mere mention of ANY limits on, say, assault weapons, as the beginning of the end of the 2nd Amendment.  Groundhog Day. Both sides rival Omarosa in the “Drama Queen” category as far as I’m concerned.   Continue reading