Massive Media Malfeasance

I have a confession to make.  And while quite possibly obvious to others, it hit me like a ton of Michael Moore this past week.  Despite the fact I despise them with every fiber of my being…and for damn good reason…I am completely and hopelessly obsessed with the Liberal Media.  “HELLO, MY NAME IS THE DRUNKEN REPUBLICAN, AND I AM A LIBMEDIAHOLIC.”  Ah, so cleansing to say that out loud.  I can best describe my plight by harkening back to an old Seinfeld episode, where Jerry becomes completely obsessed with his girlfriend who eats her peas ONE AT A TIME.  He just had to know why, and couldn’t let it go.  Similarly, I have endless intrigue as to why the media reports as it does…in a demonstrably false, massively biased, and obviously Trump-Hating way…so as to COMPLETELY destroy their OWN credibility.  I mean, isn’t our most base instinct as humans self-preservation?  Apparently only for like, breathing, and not professionally.  Anyway, might want to strap on your waders for some of this past week’s most nauseating and nonsensical reporting…

Porter Out

Rob Porter, a key White House aide, was canned after revelations of alleged domestic abuse came to light…including a pic of one of his ex-wives looking like she just did three rounds with Mike Tyson.  Oops.  And while it’s clear the White House could have handled this situation better, the guy was cut loose…FAST…by his boss, Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly.  So, because of some changing stories as to who knew what when, the hair-on-fire media, always in search of a “victim,” is going after Kelly.  Don’t be fooled….just like with poor illegal immigrants, the Leftist Media operates off of agendas, and doesn’t give a rat’s ass about alleged victims of domestic abuse…unless, of course it was their wife, sister, or mistress.  Smelling blood in the water, their mission in this case is to drive Gen. Kelly out of the White House.  And it doesn’t even have anything to do with Kelly, per se.  Ultimately driving Kelly out would be perceived as a battle victory in the war against President Trump.  Nothing more, nothing less.  My God, is this not obvious to everyone?


This one’s textbook in terms of lies emanating from Democrats, and the swampy, water-carrying media happily spewing the dishonest drivel.  Useful idiots, I think is the technical term. This, of course relates to the Democratic memo in process of being released by the House Intelligence Committee in response to the Republican memo last week regarding 2016 election shenanigans by the DNC, Clinton Campaign, FBI, and DOJ…and let’s not forget their BFF’s in The Kremlin.

Here’s the fiction:  Dems accuse Trump of throwing up roadblocks and trying to prevent release of their memo, or at the very least, force redaction of sensitive or classified information, thereby altering the “substance” of the memo.

Here’s the fact:  Every Republican on the Committee voted FOR releasing the Democrat memo.  Every Democrat on the Committee voted AGAINST releasing the Republican memo.  The Dems knowingly included things like sources and methods in their memo so it would HAVE to be redacted, then they would crap out the aforementioned accusations.  Great plan…but obvious to even my neurotic cat.  Trump’s not redacting anything.  He sent the Dems to review their memo with the FBI and DOJ and incorporate appropriate redactions or revisions BASED ON THEIR REVIEW….going thru the EXACT SAME PROCESS as did the Republican memo.  Period.  No roadblock.  No nothing.

One last thing…the Chief Liar on the Democrat side of all this is Calif. Rep. Adam “Full Of” Schiff. Yeah, California.  Shocker.  Trust me…this googly-eyed miscreant that looks like the Cookie Monster’s brother is NOT to be believed.  Ever.  Not one word.  This guy takes lying to a level I never thought existed.

Media Darling

Oh boy, did I save the best for last.  Here’s a nice little factoid…North Korea is absolutely great at two things: 1) Starving, imprisoning, and murdering their own people, and 2) Propaganda.  As for the latter, I give you Kim Yo Jong, the sister of that roly-poly dictator with the cereal bowl haircut, Kim Jong Un. There she sat, smiling and waving at the South Korea Winter Olympics like a Disney Princess engulfed by clouds of pixie dust, and embarrassingly fawned over by the Dictator-Loving Leftist Media.  Reality check:  This broad is a prominent figure in her brother’s murderous regime, and is the Director of the Propaganda and Agitation Dept.  No…really.  That’s a department.

So the media, who NEVER met a Dictator…or apparently his sister…that didn’t give them a thrill up their leg, a la Chris Matthews, showed their perverse and inexplicable infatuation in gushing headlines…this from CNN…“Kim Jong Un’s sister is stealing the show at the Winter Olympics.”  And even worse, from the Trump-Hating Washington Post…“The ‘Ivanka Trump of North Korea’ captivates people in the South at the Olympics.”  Look, the only thing those two women have in common is that they both have vaginas…and I can’t be so sure about that either.  As Bethany Mandel of the NY Post so aptly put…“There are some in the media so consumed with their rage against President Trump and his administration, they’re willing to not only whitewash the brutality of the North Korean government but promote the idea that it is somehow better than our own…One does not have to be a fan of the Trump administration to realize just how misguided it is to give a brutal dictator and his ruling family attaboys like they’re pussyhat-wearing members of the anti-Trump #resistance.”  

Pussyhats.  My God.  2020 is just looking better and better.


1 thought on “Massive Media Malfeasance

  1. Taco Pepper

    How much memory can this blog site hold? If we are going to talk about lying in the media, can we also address the quantity of lies told directly by our President and his designated peons? It’s a bit hypocritical to malign the media while condoning the constant stream of lies that flow from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


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