Daily Archives: February 14, 2018

Massive Media Malfeasance

I have a confession to make.  And while quite possibly obvious to others, it hit me like a ton of Michael Moore this past week.  Despite the fact I despise them with every fiber of my being…and for damn good reason…I am completely and hopelessly obsessed with the Liberal Media.  “HELLO, MY NAME IS THE DRUNKEN REPUBLICAN, AND I AM A LIBMEDIAHOLIC.”  Ah, so cleansing to say that out loud.  I can best describe my plight by harkening back to an old Seinfeld episode, where Jerry becomes completely obsessed with his girlfriend who eats her peas ONE AT A TIME.  He just had to know why, and couldn’t let it go.  Similarly, I have endless intrigue as to why the media reports as it does…in a demonstrably false, massively biased, and obviously Trump-Hating way…so as to COMPLETELY destroy their OWN credibility.  I mean, isn’t our most base instinct as humans self-preservation?  Apparently only for like, breathing, and not professionally.  Anyway, might want to strap on your waders for some of this past week’s most nauseating and nonsensical reporting… Continue reading