I have a confession to make. And while quite possibly obvious to others, it hit me like a ton of Michael Moore this past week. Despite the fact I despise them with every fiber of my being…and for damn good reason…I am completely and hopelessly obsessed with the Liberal Media. “HELLO, MY NAME IS THE DRUNKEN REPUBLICAN, AND I AM A LIBMEDIAHOLIC.” Ah, so cleansing to say that out loud. I can best describe my plight by harkening back to an old Seinfeld episode, where Jerry becomes completely obsessed with his girlfriend who eats her peas ONE AT A TIME. He just had to know why, and couldn’t let it go. Similarly, I have endless intrigue as to why the media reports as it does…in a demonstrably false, massively biased, and obviously Trump-Hating way…so as to COMPLETELY destroy their OWN credibility. I mean, isn’t our most base instinct as humans self-preservation? Apparently only for like, breathing, and not professionally. Anyway, might want to strap on your waders for some of this past week’s most nauseating and nonsensical reporting… Continue reading
Massive Media Malfeasance
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