The Agony of Defeat

Boy, do I know THAT look.  It’s the same look I had on my face when it appeared my beloved NY Mets were about to go down in flames in Game 6 of the 1986 World Series against the Red Sox.  Totally…and I mean TOTALLY…defeated.  Like I’m not sure I could ever overcome what was surely about to transpire.  Then, like a gift from God, Bill Buckner…bless his heart…couldn’t bend his rickety old body far enough to pick up a little dribbler down the first base line hit by a guy named Mookie, and the rest was history.  Mets go on to win the Series, and I gleefully made confetti out of my Zoloft prescription.  So…what’s the point of all this?

As the camera kept cutting to shots of Nancy Pelosi during The Donald’s State of the Union extravaganza, she had the EXACT same pained, defeated expression on her face…for the ENTIRE speech…that I had when things looked so dire in Game 6.  It appeared as if Queen Nutbag seemingly came to the realization at that very moment that the entire Dem platform of resistance, hatred, identity politics, high taxes, over-regulation, weakened military, lawless borders, and massive government…quite likely…has already handed President Trump a second term.  Of course, it could also be the mother of all cases of constipation.  To address THAT possibility…and humanitarian that I am…I took it upon myself to arrange that a couple of cases of Ex-Lax be drop-shipped to her mansion.  You’re welcome, Nancy.  And don’t stray TOO far from your gold-plated commode and that trusty can of Lysol.

And it clearly wasn’t just Pelosi, but Schumer, The Congressional Black Caucus…the whole sorry, subversive, pathetic gaggle of them.  Here’s something we can ALL agree on….like a bad toupee, rooting for America to fail just ain’t a good look.  For ANYBODY.  But that’s all they got.  F’ing shameful.  While the speech was stellar…and 3 out of 4 people in pretty much every poll afterwards agree…the story is really becoming the abhorrent and embarrassing behavior of the Democrats.  We all know the drill with this speech…the opposition party sits on their hands when specific policy is pushed they’re not down with.  I get it.

But most Dems sat thru the entire thing with the sourest of pusses…even at moments when EVERYONE typically cheers.  Calls for unity and bipartisanship, honoring the majesty of the Capitol building, touting the lowest unemployment rates EVER recorded for blacks and Hispanics, turning ISIS into minced meat.  And ALL the other economic and military goodness we should ALL cheer…as AMERICANS!  The NY Post’s Michael Goodwin writes the following…“They rarely stood and applauded, except when it would have been embarrassing not to. Even when the president touted the lowest African-American unemployment in history, the party that produced the first black president and has the lock on the black vote gave a collective scowl.”  These little snot-nosed spoiled brats are more petty than Tom Petty and Richard Petty.  They sat motionless like a statue in the park.  I mean, I was waiting for some pigeon to fly by and crap on their heads.  I’ve seen happier faces at funerals…including the deceased.

Hmmm…forgetting something…forgetting something…OH YEAH!  Gotta bloody the Leftist media a bit.  As a 2-year-old could have predicted, the Trump Hating Socialist Media Liars REALLY outdid themselves here…WELL DONE!  Like The Bunny Ranch, hard to pick just one, but I think I’ve found THE most outrageous America-Hating Radical Leftist Drivel…hands down.  It would be courtesy of one of the Lead MSNBC Lib-tards, Joy Reid.  This African-American woman has a chip on her shoulder that makes the Grand Canyon look like a New York City pot-hole.

Uh…Might want to have the flight attendant bring you a barf bag for this tweet – “Church … family … police … military … the national anthem … Trump trying to call on all the tropes of 1950s-era nationalism.  The goal of this speech appears to be to force the normalization of Trump on the terms of the bygone era his supporters are nostalgic for.”  Speaks for itself, no?  Yep…that’s JUST the kind of asinine, vile trash that’s gonna bring those Rust Belt voters back into the Democratic fold.  Bahahahaha!!!  Although “tropes” is a cool word.  I have a theory that this mental defective is actually computer generated.  I mean, is it REALLY possible that a human being can be THAT stupid?  This dopey broad, along with Pelosi and Maxine Waters make The Three Stooges look like friggin’ brain surgeons.  Knuckleheads.

All of this nonsensical excrement, of course, is just one, long political ad for the GOP.  And better yet….IT’S FREE!  The gift that keeps on giving…and giving…and giving.  Although, I find it quite vexing as to why these America-Hating Elitists don’t just fire up the old private jet and transport their sorry, subversive fat asses to a country more to their liking.  Venezuela?  France?  Do I care?

Now THAT would TRULY Make America Great Again.

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