Shithole Shitstorm

Well, been a little slow getting my blog posts out recently…not that anyone noticed.  Just returned from vacationing in South Africa the past 2 1/2 weeks, and I thought it was just a lovely coincidence that the whole Trump Shithole Shitstorm splattered all over the front pages RIGHT as I was fully immersed in a place in the world that has tremendous street cred when it comes to…um…shithole countries.  This is quite a subject to write about, but as I’ve been told many times what a piece of shit my blog is…well, I guess it was just meant to be.  I mean what else would I write about?  The Gov’t shutdown?  Fine…Cryin’ Chuckie Schumer made a pathetic political miscalculation by forcing the shutdown over immigration when the issue at hand was funding the government.  Even his Leftist comrades in the Fake News Media blamed him, and he caved like a sinkhole.  There you have it.  In a nutshell.  Now, let’s get back to the REAL topic, for shit’s sake…

So…did he or didn’t he?  President Trump.  Utter the word “shithole” in a bipartisan immigration discussion?  Let’s just say he did for shits and grins.  A crude term?  Most certainly.  Universally understood?  Without a doubt, right?  Poverty stricken countries, often run by corrupt regimes, that are saturated with centuries of shit…deluged with decades of defacation…filled with a flood of feces…clogged with carloads of crap…My God, I feel like I need to reach for the plunger.  Anyway, here’s the kicker…The list of politicians who have used the exact same type of language to describe these so-called “shithole” countries is longer than the list of world leaders Barry Obama has bowed to.  I mean, the total feigned outrage over this by the Lefty hypocrites is phonier than 90% of the boobs on Rodeo Drive.  So in THAT vain, let’s take a quick trip down mammary…uh…memory lane, shall we?

The Messiah himself, Barack Hussein Obama (I love saying that), famously called Libya a “shitshow” in an interview with The Atlantic a few years ago.  I’m good with that.  Media freak out?  Zippo.  Hypocrisy?  Massive.  First rule of journalism – Thou Shalt Not Criticize Anyone named OBAMA.  NEVER.  EVER.  And in their usual obvious way, the Libs used this to yet again advance the tired narrative that Trump is a racist.  Yaaawwwnnnn.  This is about getting control of the immigration shit show and nothing more.  What, it’s Trump’s fault that most people in these shithole countries happen to be people of color?  OK class…we’ve now come to the end of today’s lesson in intellectual dishonesty.

Even on-again, off-again Trump ally, Republican Lindsey Graham blasted The Donald over this.  Seems Senator Graham’s memory is shorter than the 47 midgets climbing out of the same Volkswagen at the circus.  I mean little people.  DAMMIT!  Anyway, back in 2013, Graham uttered this lovely quote in a debate with the Senate Judiciary Committee…“The people coming across the southern border live in hellholes.  They don’t like that.  They want to come here.  Our problem is we can’t have everybody in the world who lives in a hellhole come to America.”  Couldn’t agree more.  But HE blasted Trump over reportedly saying pretty much the EXACT same thing?  Really?  Gimme a break…

See, I don’t ONLY criticize LIBS in this blog.  Just sayin’.

OK…Let’s be candid.  There’s not one among us who doesn’t utter THAT WORD daily…”Oh Shit!”…”You’re shitting me!”…”You are SO full of shit.”…”Get that shit out of here!”  Like Jimmy Durante, I got a million of’em.  And so do you.  And so do they.  End of story.

This is clearly NOT something we should even give a shit about.



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