President Hell-ary? No Thanks…

Trying to envision the world after one year of a Princess Pantsuit Presidency is…well, like imagining bamboo chips being shoved under my fingernails. With great force.  Or maybe a colonoscopy…sans anesthesia.  Yeah, THAT painful…at least for me.  But envision I must for the good of my blog.  Or something like that.  And while it’s an exercise in complete prognostication and conjecture, the clarity upon which I can imagine the misery of Obama 3.0 in the Oval Office is nothing less than true clairvoyance.  Or maybe it’s just too damn easy because the differences are so stark…like Ivanka Trump and Rosie (aka Big Fat Pumpkinhead) O’Donnell sporting the same piece of sexy lingerie.  Ew.  OK…half an ew.

It’s really amazing to reflect on where this country is today after just one year of Making America Great Again. And even more amazing that half the country, and all of the Fake News Media, is mired in such a fog of Trump Derangement Syndrome that they have absolutely zero awareness of the ACTUAL state of the country.  They’re like the delusional and disheveled homeless guy muttering incoherent gibberish to himself with absolutely no sense of his surroundings.  I know some very intelligent and highly educated people that absolutely refuse to acknowledge the plethora of goodness we’re all slopping around in like pigs in mud.  Doesn’t even register a blip on their Reality-O-Meter.  All they know is they just want this narcissistic, worse than Hitler, racist, misogynistic assclown OUT OF OFFICE!  Absolute blind, unhinged hatred of the sort that screams out for a rubber room.  And THEY think TRUMP is out of HIS mind?  Pot. Kettle. Black.

My God, where to begin?  I know…maybe I just do this like Jeopardy, where everything is in the form of a question.  With apologies to Alex Trebek…IF HILLARY WERE PRESIDENT….Would the Dow be pushing 26,000?  Would GDP be serving up a string of 3% quarters…and sure to go even higher?  Would the shackles be torn off of businesses by shit-canning onerous and duplicative regulations?  And speaking of unshackling, would the military have been given the freedom to completely kick the curry out of ISIS?  Would the U.S. be treating Israel like an actual major ally by formally recognizing Jerusalem as the Capitol…something Trump’s predecessors SAID they’d do but ultimately wet their presidential panties and never pulled the trigger?  Would the U.S. be taking Little Rocket Man head on instead of sniveling weakly behind a failed decades old policy of containment…and FINALLY getting China to help us in a significant way?

Damn Donald!  You GO Boy!  Moving right along…Would there have been massive reductions in illegal border crossings, simply by promising to enforce immigration laws ALREADY on the books?  Would a conservative Justice have been named to the Supreme Court…and tons more as circuit court judges…all of whom will render decisions based on the constitution and the law, and not on some warped, anti-American Far Left ideology?  And…drumroll please…would Congress have passed historic tax cut/tax reform legislation…the first in over three decades…that gives businesses, large and small, a competitive tax structure, massive relief to middle-class taxpayers, and dollars to donuts will launch this country into an economic renaissance?

And the whole kit and kaboodle for the introductory  price of simply tolerating the man’s…um…how do I put this delicately…eccentricities?  As deals go, that’s right up there with buying Manhattan for 24 bucks.

One of my oft quoted and fav writers, Michael Goodwin of the NY Post, agrees, “…despite my own frustrations over his missteps, there has never been a day when I wished Hillary Clinton were president.  Not one.  Indeed, as Trump’s accomplishments accumulate, the mere thought of Clinton in the White House, doubling down on Barack Obama’s failed policies, washes away any doubts that America made the right choice.  This was truly a change election – and the changes Trump is bringing are far reaching and necessary.”

My sentiments exactly.  In a “style over substance” society,  Trump is…without question…quite the opposite.


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