Monthly Archives: January 2018

Shithole Shitstorm

Well, been a little slow getting my blog posts out recently…not that anyone noticed.  Just returned from vacationing in South Africa the past 2 1/2 weeks, and I thought it was just a lovely coincidence that the whole Trump Shithole Shitstorm splattered all over the front pages RIGHT as I was fully immersed in a place in the world that has tremendous street cred when it comes to…um…shithole countries.  This is quite a subject to write about, but as I’ve been told many times what a piece of shit my blog is…well, I guess it was just meant to be.  I mean what else would I write about?  The Gov’t shutdown?  Fine…Cryin’ Chuckie Schumer made a pathetic political miscalculation by forcing the shutdown over immigration when the issue at hand was funding the government.  Even his Leftist comrades in the Fake News Media blamed him, and he caved like a sinkhole.  There you have it.  In a nutshell.  Now, let’s get back to the REAL topic, for shit’s sake… Continue reading

President Hell-ary? No Thanks…

Trying to envision the world after one year of a Princess Pantsuit Presidency is…well, like imagining bamboo chips being shoved under my fingernails. With great force.  Or maybe a colonoscopy…sans anesthesia.  Yeah, THAT painful…at least for me.  But envision I must for the good of my blog.  Or something like that.  And while it’s an exercise in complete prognostication and conjecture, the clarity upon which I can imagine the misery of Obama 3.0 in the Oval Office is nothing less than true clairvoyance.  Or maybe it’s just too damn easy because the differences are so stark…like Ivanka Trump and Rosie (aka Big Fat Pumpkinhead) O’Donnell sporting the same piece of sexy lingerie.  Ew.  OK…half an ew. Continue reading

In Trump We Trust

A year ago around Christmas, I published a blog post that chronicled the 2016 election…in poem.  So, I thought why not do the same now, recapping the wonderful craziness that was 2017.  Starring President Trump, of course, as the Grand Marshall of the Parade of Splendid Insanity.

OK, I’m no Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, but enjoy anyway…
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