Invisible News

The whole fake news phenomenon is really nothing but a hot mess.  But unlike Big Foot, The Loch Ness Monster, and little green men, everyone KNOWS it exists…evidenced by the flood of corrections and retractions begrudgingly dished out on a regular basis by the heaviest of heavyweight Lib media outlets.  At this point, however, I can only conclude the practical effect of all this journalistic excrement is as watered down as the 25 cent vodka tonics on ladies night down at your local pick-up joint.  Overkill.  Saturation.  Overplaying one’s hand.  Call it what you will.  The latest?  Just for giggles…headlines everywhere this week…this one from Newsweek…“Melania Trump orders removal of the near-200-year-old tree from the White House.”  WHAT A HORRIBLE WOMAN!  TREE HATER!…and likely other such statements from drive-by consumers of news.  Except…While the First Lady did order the historic tree to be removed, it was only after specialists determined that it needed to be removed. The tree has long been supported by poles and wires and posed a hazard for anyone standing near it.  Once again…BRA-VO media!  Nice job!  Complete dishonest and morally bankrupt jerk-offs…and quite deservedly mocked and ridiculed by an entire nation.  By the way, that rumbling in the ground you feel is Edward R. Murrow doing somersaults six feet under.

Now, if I were King For a Day, I would regularly place the White House Press Corps directly UNDERNEATH that tree during outside events.  Except for the Fox guys, of course.  Anyway, I would submit to you that fake news has an even uglier step-sister…INVISIBLE NEWS…simply defined as ANYTHING that can be construed as positive for President Trump.  Or conversely…ANYTHING that could even be a smidge damaging to Dems and liberals.  While the list is longer than the faces of Hillary’s Win Party attendees, here are a few of my fav’s…

Trump Economy – Before The Donald even had a chance to christen the Presidential Commode, and the very instant Obama’s boot was lifted off the neck of U.S. businesses, the economy was off to the races.  And now with the Freddy Krueger-like slashing of stifling regulations, and brand new tax cut legislation dropped down the chimney by Santa Trump…well, fasten your seatbelts.  And all the fixin’s too…unemployment at a 17-year low, stock market setting new records every other day, consumer confidence at an all-time high, wage growth, yada, yada.  Predictably, you hear NOTHING of this economic goodness from the mainstream media, other than them instinctively crapping on it, of course: 1) The stock market gains only benefit the rich.  Hmmm…Ever hear of 401K’s, 529 college savings plans, IRA’s?  Lying dumb asses.  2)  Trump inherited Obama’s great economy.  Oh, is THAT so???  Never a 3% quarter in EIGHT YEARS.  Trump has three already.  So…name ONE significant Obama policy that was stimulative to the economy or business friendly.  Crickets.  Yeah, thought so.  Thanks Obama.  Case closed.

Remember that old Animal House quote, where Dean Wormer of Faber College says to Flounder about his GPA… “0.2. Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”  Economic variation is…Trump says to Obama about his GDP…“1.5.  High taxes, batshit crazy regulations, and Obamacare is no way to get 3% growth, Barry.”  Another obligatory Animal House reference…I’m so ashamed.

ISIS Destroyed – Just like the economy, the military has been mercifully unshackled.  We are kicking the snot out of ISIS every day, and have regained 98% of the land they controlled in Iraq and Syria.  All in a days work in Trump World.  Obama used to say incessantly how ISIS was “ON THE RUN.”  Oh yeah…the JV team…THAT ISIS.  And the media lemmings crawled out from underneath his desk in the Oval just long enough to gushingly report it.  Except it was a bigger fantasy than my upcoming trip to the Seychelles with Ivanka Trump.  Hey, don’t take my word for it, read the books of his Defense Secretaries and military commanders.  Obama micromanaged military operations and instituted flaccid rules of engagement befitting of a far left, touchy-feely community organizer who had nothing but total disdain for the military.  If the military was Obama’s Lamborghini, he never took it out of the slow lane.

So the media reported endlessly what was the facade of Obama’s military “successes,” and barely says word one about very real successes of the current Commander-In-Chief.  I mean, we are kicking ISIS’s ass up and down the field, like Tom Brady lining up against some pre-pubescent Pee Wee team.  But unless you watch Foxnews or read The Wall Street Journal, you sure as shit wouldn’t know it.

Russian Collusion Investigations – I have to say, this is the one that really steams my broccoli.  A year of Trump’s Deep State enemies feverishly trying to undo an election and drive him out of office…and they got nothin’…nada…SQUAT!  A complete ruse.  Meanwhile, back at the DNC ranch, collusion has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt between the DNC, Clinton Campaign, and Russia.  The Fake Dossier, originating in Russia, paid for by the Dems, in an attempt to sway an election.  Proven fact.  Wait, what?  Even worse…the fake dossier was likely used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on political enemy Trump and his associates…this makes Watergate look like spitting on the sidewalk.  Abhorrently biased FBI text messages by those leading the investigation uncovered by the Inspector General.  And non-stop stonewalling by the FBI and DOJ of document and witness requests as the truth is coming faster than Michael Moore rushing to a wedding buffet.  Yep…Can’t. Make. This. Stuff. Up.  Thankfully, investigations by Congress as well as the DOJ Inspector General are all over this like a pantsuit on Hillary.  “Patience” is the word of the day. 

So…I stick by my premise that “Invisible News” is far more damaging to the country than “fake news.”  I mean, fake news can either be dismissed summarily, simply on it’s face…or debunked faster than Maxine Waters can call you a racist.  In short…it can be “managed.”  Invisible news, though, can absolutely mold public opinion by keeping people completely in the dark as to what the hell is REALLY happening in the country.  Hence, The Donald’s masterful use of Twitter…tweets about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Apprentice ratings notwithstanding.  How God awful sad is it that the term “Free Press” REALLY means a press that is free to manipulate the news for the sole purpose of advancing and advocating for a far-left ideology.

And we sure as hell don’t need any congressional investigations to prove THAT.

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