Daily Archives: December 22, 2017


Whenever Nancy Pelosi finally…and mercifully…leaves the hallowed grounds of Congress, I have the perfect “next chapter” for her…the spokesperson for Planters, because she has got to be the biggest friggin’ nut on the planet.  I would honestly take Dennis Rodman as our next foreign policy advisor vis-a-vis North Korea more seriously than I take this woman.  I mean, he and that fat little troll with the cereal bowl haircut DO have a relationship of sorts.  Anyway, it’s obvious that every single Dem will spew a bunch of lies and nonsensical partisan gibberish in trashing the Republican tax plan…fine.  But here’s what this Dopey Democrat Ding-Bat had to say about the tax plan…“It is the end of the world.  The debate on health care is life/death. This is  Armageddon!”  She also called it a “Frankenstein…that will come back to destroy.”  Speaking of Ding-Bats, this broad makes Edith Bunker look like Margaret Thatcher.  So…my Dennis Rodman comment doesn’t sound so crazy now, does it? Continue reading