The Fabulous Fake News Frenzy

Since Trump has been President, the list of fake news stories is longer than the line of safe space dwelling liberals furiously refreshing their stupid Facebook pages in breathless anticipation of the next Trump protest.  And boy, did the hysterical hissy-fit haters in the Lib media outdo themselves last week.  Bra-vo!  The forgotten big loser in all this, of course, is that news comedy and satire site The Onion, who now has to contend with direct competition from the failing NY Times and the pathetic impeachment mongers over at the Washington Post.  Apparently, architect wannabe George Costanza’s mantra of, “It’s not a lie…if YOU believe it,” has become the slogan of every journalism school in the nation.  God help us…

So, grab a cold one for this quick recap of last week’s fake news festivities…1) ABC News “reporter” Brian Ross puts out a story saying “candidate” Trump instructed Michael Flynn to make contact with Russia, in an apparent attempt to help defeat Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.  Wait, what?  It was AFTER the election, when such contacts by the incoming National Security Advisor would have been completely appropriate?  Ross suspended 4 weeks.  2)  CNN reported that the president’s son Donald Jr. and others on the Trump presidential campaign received an email on Sept. 4, 2016, telling them in advance about the release of some yet-to-be published WikiLeaks documents.  What’s that?  The email was in actuality dated Sept. 14, one day AFTER the WikiLeaks document dump.  Story “corrected.”  Apology forthcoming from The Clinton News Network when Hell freezes over.  3)  Washington Post puts out a mocking photo of President Trump’s Pensacola, FL rally crowd showing half empty arena in an attempt to embarrass The Donald after he tweeted that the arena was “packed to the rafters.”  Say what?  That photo was taken hours BEFORE The Donald even arrived?  Or maybe it was an NFL game.  Either way, dude apologized.  Whatever.  How about just doing your goddamn job?

And so it goes.

Ah, they say you always remember your first….No, not THAT…mind out of gutter, please.  I’m talking about post-election fake news.  In a quick trip down memory lane…right when President Trump took office, Time magazine’s crack White House correspondent Zeke Miller reported that big fat racist Trump had a bust of Martin Luther King Jr. removed from the Oval Office.  Well, like my date with Ivanka Trump last Saturday night…it NEVER happened.  A correction was issued by good ole Zeke, saying the bust was “apparently obscured by a door and an agent.”  Yeah…SURE it was.  How breathtakingly lame.  Anyone that believes that was an honest mistake believes I’ll be batting cleanup for the Mets this year.  The Donald, who clearly knows the media better than they know themselves, commented at the time, “That’s a very serious charge. They’re not saying the bust is taken out, what they’re saying is I’m a racist. That’s what they’re saying.”  Which simply points to yet another fatal flaw of the modus operandi of the mainstream media sissies…they take EVERYONE for complete blithering idiots.

The hatefest between The Trumpsters and the Fake News Media Libs hit a fever pitch earlier in the week as White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders administered a beautiful journalistic enema of sorts to sniveling snowflake Jim Acosta of CNN…would someone mind passing Jim the lube, please?  Acosta, nothing but a liberal media bomb-thrower, whimpered that journalists are humans…sniff, sniff…and “make mistakes,” but that doesn’t make it “fake news.”  Waaaahhhh!  Someone go get my friggin’ violin and a box of Kleenex.  Sanders had heard quite enough of that pathetic drivel, and the smackdown ensued…“There is a very big difference between making honest mistakes and purposefully misleading the American people… you cannot say it’s an honest mistake when you’re purposely putting out information you know is false.”  Gotcha there, Acosta.  The purpose of fake news, of course, is to create some BS narrative, that, if repeated as often as Nancy Pelosi gets lost in her own house, the Lib Lemmings in the Land of Groupthink will believe it.  It’s the journalistic equivalent of a bad toupee…like, you expect me to BELIEVE that?

Clearly, the mountain of fake news regarding President Trump is as undeniable as The Donald’s love for Big Macs and Diet Coke’s.  It really makes no difference as to whether The Destroy Trump Media knowingly and brazenly puts out fake news, or have simply cheapened journalistic standards in such a profound way by running with every unconfirmed report damaging to Trump…and “wishing” or “pretending” it to be true.  But the notion that most of these instances are innocent mistakes is demonstrably preposterous.  So as CNN and their Trump hating comrades are saturating their Depends over Sarah Huckabee Sanders exposing them as the complete frauds that they are, think of it this way…If all the fake news were “honest mistakes,” the immutable laws of statistics would take over, and you would no doubt see a roughly 50/50 split of the fake news being both favorable AND unfavorable to The Donald.

Pretty slick reasoning for a blithering idiot, eh?

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