Daily Archives: December 14, 2017

The Fabulous Fake News Frenzy

Since Trump has been President, the list of fake news stories is longer than the line of safe space dwelling liberals furiously refreshing their stupid Facebook pages in breathless anticipation of the next Trump protest.  And boy, did the hysterical hissy-fit haters in the Lib media outdo themselves last week.  Bra-vo!  The forgotten big loser in all this, of course, is that news comedy and satire site The Onion, who now has to contend with direct competition from the failing NY Times and the pathetic impeachment mongers over at the Washington Post.  Apparently, architect wannabe George Costanza’s mantra of, “It’s not a lie…if YOU believe it,” has become the slogan of every journalism school in the nation.  God help us… Continue reading