San Francisco’s Sanctuary Cesspool

Sometimes this great country of ours is as unrecognizable as most of the people at your 30th high school reunion.  Of all the things that outrage me on a daily basis, here’s one that REALLY roasts my nuts.  That piece of sub-human trash illegal alien who shot beautiful 31-year-old Kate Steinle on that San Francisco pier in July of 2015…subsequently dying in her father’s arms…was acquitted of all murder charges.  Huh?  Come again?  While the facts of the case would have made a first degree murder conviction highly unlikely, a manslaughter conviction SHOULD have been easier than creepy Matt Lauer luring some unsuspecting NYU intern into his office for some…uh…”mentoring.”

Most legal experts were stunned by the verdict…simply a conviction on a weapons charge.  Thankfully, the Feds have just indicted this dirtbag on some immigration and gun charges that MIGHT put the vile bastard away for a decade…before they deport his ass…but who the hell knows.  This WAS a San Francisco jury, after all.  Heck, maybe it was O.J.’s old LA jury they crammed into the infamous white Bronco for a road trip up to the Golden Gate to make a complete mockery of the legal system yet again.  Hey San Francisco city leaders!  Here’s a towel for ya so you can wipe the blood off your hands! These America-Hating Socialists and their dangerous and unlawful Sanctuary City Policies may as well have pulled the trigger as far as I’m concerned.  This illegal Mexican scumbag was a 7-time felon, and was deported 5 TIMES!  Hey Hillary, still wondering why you friggin’ lost?  Start there.  So, you think it’s time to BUILD THE F**KING WALL ALREADY?  Before YOUR DAUGHTER takes a Sig Sauer .40-caliber slug in HER back?

Oh, but it gets even better.  One of the despicable defense attorneys gets on his Socialist Soapbox two nanoseconds after the verdict, and has the gall to WARN President Trump and anyone in his Administration that might dare criticize this travesty...”Let me just remind them: they are themselves under investigation by a special prosecutor in Washington, D.C., and they may soon avail themselves of the presumption of innocence beyond a reasonable doubt, so I ask that they reflect on that before they comment or disparage the results of this case.”  So there I was…completely stunned by that massively inappropriate leftist political drivel…and while involuntarily reaching for the flusher to dispose of that steamy load of verbal excrement, the other Marxist defense attorney effortlessly surpassed his Liberal Comrade on the Arrogant Bastard-O-Meter by lecturing that this case “was used to foment hate” and “catapult the presidency.”  Those putrid comments by two putrid lawyers from The People’s Republic of California were nothing less than figuratively spitting in the face of Kate Steinle’s family.  Their mothers must be SO proud.

Look…The last thing I want to do is politicize this whole thing…but quite candidly, that horse was out of the barn a couple of years ago.  I mean, The Donald talked about Kate Steinle ad nauseam during the campaign…and rightly so.  SILVER LINING ALERT…This verdict is an absolute political nightmare for Democrats.  The Donald got elected for a lot of reasons, not the least of which was the whole illegal immigration issue and securing the border.  And while the open border leg-wetters on the Left are loath to even talk about this scandalous verdict…they will HAVE to from now until November 2020.  Trump will tattoo it on the greasy forehead of every Slithering Sanctuary City Slimeball.  Count on it.  Even the Flying Wallendas couldn’t walk THAT political tightrope.

Again…what the hell else would you expect from a San Francisco jury?  Most of the people that live there are “Americans” simply by virtue of their geography, and nothing else.  Their hearts bleed for illegal alien felons that kill innocent Americans.  Truth is, these liberal vermin view Kate Steinle as an “acceptable” loss.  Geez, REALLY sorry about your dead daughter Mr. and Mrs. Steinle, but we have bigger political fish to fry here.  Open borders?  Sanctuary cities?  Safety of innocent Americans be damned.  For shit’s sake, what OTHER conclusion could one draw?

Humor me for the following Groundhog Day moment, but some things are worth repeating.  Open borders and sanctuary cities are about one thing and one thing only…changing the electorate.  These phony Libs care as much about the poor slobs doing the Macarena across the border as they cared about Kate Steinle.  Jam’em in like sardines, next time Dems are in power they bestow a blanket amnesty upon them, and PRESTO…changed electorate.   These subversives won’t let up until Texas is blue.  All about winning elections, folks.  Here’s some breaking news…a lot of them ALREADY vote…but that’s a story for another day.  Clever scheme, but 2016 gave me some much-needed hope.  Enough people saw us losing the country under Barry “I’m Going to Fundamentally Transform This Nation” Obama, and said, “OVER MY DEAD BODY!”

Tragically, for poor Kate Steinle and thousands like her, that sentiment was literal.

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