Post Turkey Day Potpourri

It was seven to one.  Huh?  That was the ratio of Trump supporters to Trump haters at our Thanksgiving dinner table.  So yeah, NOBODY brought up politics…plus, it would have been WAY too easy to bring down the hammer with that ratio anyway.  And let’s face it… it’s just bad form to gang up on one’s mother.  Well, I did bring up the politically benign act of President Trump pardoning this year’s turkeys, Drumstick and Wishbone.  And how The Donald jokingly said he was informed by his legal team that he could NOT reverse the pardons of last year’s turkeys, Tater and Tot…in light of his blowing up of many of President Obama’s abysmal executive orders.  I mean, what’s wrong with a small serving of presidential humor to complement the usual Thanksgiving fare?  But even THAT got a groan of disapproval from some…even at a table of mostly Republicans.  Doesn’t ANYONE have a goddamn sense of humor anymore?  Anyway, this week’s political musings will simply consist of a couple of items swimming around in my consciousness…or tryptophan induced unconsciousness, as it were.

Different Rules For The Ruling Class

Want to be outraged?  I know you do. Well, this one REALLY roasted my chestnuts.  The following is the sexual harassment policy in CONGRESS, as described by Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) in a recent interview with CBS, “…we have a system in place that allows for the harasser to go unchecked, doesn’t pay for the settlement himself and is never identified.  The Office of Compliance, to which victim must apply or complain, is a place that has really been an enabler of sexual harassment for these many years because of the way it’s constructed.”  This is about as wrong as an appearance by Nancy Pelosi on Jeopardy.  For the accuser, obstacles bigger than any wall Trump wants to put on the southern border…and any ultimate “settlements” shelled out by you and me.  Yep, the dumb schmuck taxpayer.  Morally reprehensible from EVERY angle.  Just goes to prove the three-tiered system in which we all live…There’s a set of rules for the Clinton’s… a second set for all other politicians…and a third set for the rest of us 320 million patsies.  And for the latter..not even a nice candlelit dinner first, before…well…you know.

Crying Wolf

THE APOCALYPSE IS COMING!  Or something like that.  Back in late April, there was a big Climate Change march scheduled in Colorado that was canceled due to a massive, late Spring snowstorm.  Have you ever tried to laugh hysterically AND roll your eyes at the same time?  Near impossible.  Anyway, I have a question…Why are the kooky alarmists in the Church of Global Warming NEVER held up for ridicule…or at least accountability…when they make outrageous, nonsensical predictions that NEVER ONCE HAVE BEEN CLOSE TO COMING TRUE?  Obvious answer, of course…the mainstream media ignores all of these preposterous prognostications.  In technical journalistic terms, it’s called a “Free Pass.”  But if this was a “conservative” issue?  Fuggedaboutit!

A November 25th column by Michael Bastasch in The Daily Caller reminded us of some of these greatest hits.  My three fav’s…1) “A group of 1,700 scientists and experts signed a letter 25 years ago warning of massive ecological and societal collapse if nothing was done to curb overpopulation, pollution and, ultimately, the capitalist society in which we live today.  It’s a terrifying warning — if you ignore the fact that none of their 1992 warning has come to fruition.”  2)  “Prince Charles famously warned in July 2009 that humanity had only 96 months to save the world from “irretrievable climate and ecosystem collapse, and all that goes with it.” That deadline has passed, and the prince has not issued an update to when the world needs to be saved.”  3)  “When (French Foreign Minister) Laurent Fabius met with Secretary of State John Kerry on May 13, 2014 to talk about world issues he said “we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos.”  Ironically at the time of Fabius’ comments, the U.N. had scheduled a climate summit to meet in Paris in December 2015 — some 565 days after his remarks. Looks like the U.N. is 65 days too late to save the world.”  And on and on.  Common sense, people.  Clean air and water?  Of course!  An “all of the above” energy policy… Sure!  As for the tired old “world is ending” hysteria…politically motivated excrement.  If the earth was a crowded movie theater, these liberal numb nuts have been screaming “FIRE!” for 30 years..and getting away with it.  Last I looked, Supreme Court says you can’t do that.  Call out the bastards.

And lastly…Thank God Prince Harry FINALLY got engaged.  One less thing I need to lose sleep over.

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