Daily Archives: November 30, 2017

Post Turkey Day Potpourri

It was seven to one.  Huh?  That was the ratio of Trump supporters to Trump haters at our Thanksgiving dinner table.  So yeah, NOBODY brought up politics…plus, it would have been WAY too easy to bring down the hammer with that ratio anyway.  And let’s face it… it’s just bad form to gang up on one’s mother.  Well, I did bring up the politically benign act of President Trump pardoning this year’s turkeys, Drumstick and Wishbone.  And how The Donald jokingly said he was informed by his legal team that he could NOT reverse the pardons of last year’s turkeys, Tater and Tot…in light of his blowing up of many of President Obama’s abysmal executive orders.  I mean, what’s wrong with a small serving of presidential humor to complement the usual Thanksgiving fare?  But even THAT got a groan of disapproval from some…even at a table of mostly Republicans.  Doesn’t ANYONE have a goddamn sense of humor anymore?  Anyway, this week’s political musings will simply consist of a couple of items swimming around in my consciousness…or tryptophan induced unconsciousness, as it were. Continue reading