The United States of Perversion

I am a weak, weak man.  I swore to myself that I would NOT write a blog post about this avalanche of disgusting sexual misconduct allegations.  But with the crescendo of allegations growing daily, I could resist no more…my will power is as kaput as the careers of all of these ass-grabbers.  If women are Popeye, then Harvey Weinstein is surely their spinach, as it seems HIS whole sordid saga has enabled them to muster the emotional muscle to shine a light on these scumbags…and that’s a GOOD thing.   I mean, the daily accusations are becoming as routine as the local newspaper being hurled into my flower bed every morning.  Now…while I see no purpose in regurgitating names and/or specific accusations, I do have some observations…

So, I’ll say this as delicately as I can…Getting one’s freak on is a perfectly normal, human thing, right?  But Jesus Christ, you have two choices in that regard…a willing…I repeat…willing (even if lacking in…uh…enthusiasm) participant, or of course, solo.  That’s it.  And everyone on the planet knows it.  So why in Sam Hell do Congress, big companies, etc., have “Sexual Harassment Training?”  Like we don’t ALREADY know what it is…and that we shouldn’t do it?  Why not “Murder Training?”  Or “Armed Robbery Training?”  Well, of course it’s to “protect” the institution from some sort of “perceived” liability, but My God, what a farce.  And I have some breaking news for these idiots…after having attended many such sessions, people laugh and snicker at the creepy videos they force everyone to endure EVERY SINGLE FRIGGIN’ YEAR.  Just sayin’…

What’s absolutely stunning is that some of these miscreants are acting like they are only realizing in retrospect that they did anything wrong!  I mean, really?  Some poor female intern is dropping off a pile of paperwork to your office…and you ravage her like Michael Moore on a Boston Cream pie?  C’mon.  Is it just me, or do ALL these creeps seem to spend their entire lives in hotel rooms?  Random observation.  Anyway, it’s like the old Seinfeld episode where George Costanza gets fired for having sex with the cleaning woman on his desk.  As he’s getting canned, George tells his boss, “Was that wrong? Should I have not done that? I tell you I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon…”  I can tie just about any circumstance in life to a Seinfeld episode.  Quite possibly my biggest talent…and my family couldn’t be prouder.

Now, let’s be candid…this type of predatory behavior knows no racial, political, ideological, or religious bounds.  So, being a right leaning blog, I tread lightly on wearing that bias on my sleeve on this particular subject.  But here’s the rub…those on the LEFT that have suddenly found religion on the subject of sexual misconduct after looking the other way on Bill Clinton’s transgressions FOR A COUPLE DECADES, not to mention brazenly attempting to destroy his accusers…are complete self-serving bullshitters.  What…things are somehow different today? Sexual assault, harassment…RAPE…were OK back when Bill was defiling Monica’s blue dress?  Or it was selective outrage when a Republican did it?  Gimme a break.

Well, here’s what IS different…For the first time in about three decades, the Clinton’s have NO power, and never will again…Thank. The. Lord.  As such, the Left no longer has to tippy-toe around Horn-Dog Bill’s past sexual misdeeds, fearing some sort of political backlash from The Clinton Machine.  And freed from those political shackles, they can NOW condemn Slick Willy and others on the Left whose hands…and various other parts…have been caught in the…um…cookie jar.  The cowardly lion in the Land of Oz had more courage than these hypocrites.

Here’s a good illustration, featuring Dem Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who now occupies the NY Senate seat once owned by carpetbagger Hillary herself, and described by Charles Hurt of the Washington Times…“Nearly thirty years after credible and even verified reports of grand Democrat poobah Bill Clinton molesting women and so much worse, Mrs. Gillibrand has finally decided the monster should have been thrown out of the White House for his lecherous assaults…“Things have changed today, and I think under those circumstances there should be a very different reaction.”  In other words, that’s just how men behaved back then.  It was just a different time…Hiding behind such revisionist history is the gutless folly of partisans who care only about political power and nothing about human decency, justice or the rights of women.”  Sounds about right.

OK…that’s enough.  I said what I had to say.  Hmmm…I strangely feel both cleansed, and at the same time, in need of a shower.




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