Happy Anniversary!

My God, has it been a whole year already?  Hard to believe.  It seemed like just yesterday I was absolutely giddy at the sight of hundreds of Hillary-ites just bawling their little liberal eyes out in some fancy New York hotel ballroom when the unthinkable happened.  President…Trump?  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  Nice ring to it STILL, don’t ya think?   Although..after just a smidge of self-reflection, I must admit…the fact that THEIR anguish…that of fellow human beings…gave me so much damn pleasure is not something I really want to delve into all that deeply…psychologically speaking.  OK, fine…I’m no Mother Teresa, so kill me.  Anyway, as I continue to bask in sweet victory on this joyous one year anniversary, allow me to briefly hit upon some of the latest political goings-on…well, as briefly as a wordy bloke like me is able…

One Year In – Despite the crazy late-night and early morning tweets…the constant cries of Russian collusion (now completely pointing to the Dems…bahahahaha!)…24/7 Anti-Trump Fake News…and constant calls for impeachment by the far left nut jobs in Congress…President Trump has showered upon us an absolute mountain of goodness.  Neil Gorsuch, Illegal immigration down ~70%, slashing of onerous regulations, record stock market, 3.0%+ GDP growth for two consecutive quarters, ISIS folding like a cheap suit, better trade deals, American strength respected abroad once again…phew!  All facts unreported or denied by the Leftist media liars.  Shameful.  And just imagine if the GOP Congress ever got up off their old, wrinkled, establishment asses, learned to play nice together, and did something to help the guy?

Gettin’ Out of Dodge – Let’s face it…The Donald is WAY better off when he escapes the haters in DC and embarks on an international road show to rub elbows with foreign leaders.  Middle East, Europe, this past week’s trip to the Far East…makes no difference.  SO totally in his element on the international stage…I mean, who’da thunk it.  Building relationships and accomplishing things in one lousy year where previous Presidents crashed and burned after two entire terms…China helping more than ever before with North Korea, appearing to foster some relationship with Vladimir Putin where all others have failed, yada, yada.  And not with an asinine, embarrassing, and cringeworthy plastic “RESET” button that Hillary bought down at the Dollar Tree.  And on the somewhat superficial side…massive amounts of pomp and circumstance and miles of red carpet for President Trump…WHEREVER he goes.  Remember poor, poor Barry Obama?  Well, arriving at the G20 Summit in China in 2016, he had to exit Air Force One from it’s small, built-in staircase on the bottom of the plane, and the closest red carpet was apparently still rolled-up at the Beijing branch of The Flooring Center.  Now, THAT’s respect for ya!

Democrats Win? – I like to think I’m a pretty fair and reasonable guy, so I am more than happy to give the Democrats props for their success in the recent gubernatorial and down-ballot elections.  But…and there’s always a but…the ridiculous end zone dances by these Libs and their evil twins in the media is beyond laughable.  Let’s see…the Dems successfully won Governorships in two blue states they had no business losing in the first place…New Jersey and Virginia.  That’s right, Virginia is no longer even CLOSE to purple anymore.  Ever been to Northern Virginia?  Where all the population is?  It would be easier to find kale in Michael Moore’s fridge than it is to find a Republican there…trust me.  The Libs taking these results and foreshadowing success in 2018 and 2020 reflects nothing more than the alternate reality in which they live each and every day.

Good Riddance – With her new book, former DNC head Donna Brazile appears to have put the final nail in the Crooked and Corrupt Clinton Coffin once and for all.  Thank. God.  Were talking Donna Brazile here, folks…a MAJOR Dem party power player that knows where all the bodies are buried…not some meaningless hanger-on.  As described by Michael Goodwin in the NY Post, “The explosive book by the former head of the Democratic National Committee is rocking the political world with its tales of Hillary Clinton’s brazen corruption and tawdry deceits…To say the Clinton camp is furious at what they regard as betrayal doesn’t do justice to their outrage. They are attacking Brazile personally, accusing her of telling outright lies just to sell books.  Which is mighty rich when you consider the history of the Clintons.”  When the Democrat Party rats start attacking EACH OTHER…you know the…uh…calorically challenged lady has sung.  The decades of blatant corruption by the Clintons make Nixon look like an Eagle Scout.  Believe me…this political cleansing will do wonders for all of us.  Screw’em.  (Down Bill, down…that was figurative).

Wow…I feel better already.


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