Daily Archives: November 15, 2017

Happy Anniversary!

My God, has it been a whole year already?  Hard to believe.  It seemed like just yesterday I was absolutely giddy at the sight of hundreds of Hillary-ites just bawling their little liberal eyes out in some fancy New York hotel ballroom when the unthinkable happened.  President…Trump?  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!  Nice ring to it STILL, don’t ya think?   Although..after just a smidge of self-reflection, I must admit…the fact that THEIR anguish…that of fellow human beings…gave me so much damn pleasure is not something I really want to delve into all that deeply…psychologically speaking.  OK, fine…I’m no Mother Teresa, so kill me.  Anyway, as I continue to bask in sweet victory on this joyous one year anniversary, allow me to briefly hit upon some of the latest political goings-on…well, as briefly as a wordy bloke like me is able… Continue reading