Taxes, Libs, and Lies

When it comes to unhinged, obsessive hatred of President Trump, these Libs just DON’T know when to quit.  And as they speed down Resistance Road…the word “truth” never comes close to even entering the conversation.  If the Dems in Congress, the mainstream media, and all others in Liberal Utopia who frolic among the unicorns under a perpetual rainbow each and every day want to be taken seriously, they’ve got to double-up on their Trump Derangement Syndrome Meds, and learn to assess policy proposals in a serious way.  Case in point…the release of the first Tax Reform/Tax Cut proposal coming out of the GOP.  Not perfect, gonna change as it meanders through the legislative process…but a lot of stuff you’d think the Dems would actually like.  Well…apparently, not so much.  Einsteins like Pelosi called it a “Ponzi scheme,” “massive con,” and “shell game.”  Complete and utter nonsense.  That broad can’t add two and two together, so I guarantee she has no earthly idea what’s in the plan anyway.  She REALLY ought to do a favor to the medical research community and donate her brain to science…or WHATEVER it is rattling around inside that coconut of hers.  Anyway, let’s try to wrap some facts and perspective around the initial tax proposal, sans the fog of the usual tired, nonsensical, and fatiguing liberal gibberish.

I’ll try not to get too wonky with all this tax stuff, lest your eyes will be rolling back in your head a la Charlie Sheen in his REALLY hard partying days.  While there certainly are legitimate criticisms to the proposed tax bill, the rhetoric being spewed by the Democrats is not only sheer madness, but complete lies…

Lie #1 – This is a Huge Tax Cut for the Rich  

Ok, let’s see…The most significant cuts are on the business side, where the corporate rate is proposed to drop from 35% (like, highest in the world) to 20%, and the small business, pass-through rate drops to 25% (most pay almost 40% now, the highest current individual marginal rate).  You can bet that these business tax cuts will get the economy more juiced than Sammy Sosa in 1998.  Well…seems our friends on the Left place ALL businesses in the “rich bastard” category.  Beyond absurd.  We currently have a completely uncompetitive tax structure, and this goes a long way to fixing that…period.  The business side of the tax plan is where all the bang for the buck will be as far as stimulating economic, job, and wage growth.  And since 2/3 of all job growth in the U.S. comes from small business, THAT particular cut is critical.

So what ABOUT those filthy rich bastards on the individual side?  Well, the highest marginal rate of 39.6% is slated to remain unchanged.  And just for yuks, they threw in a provision that even negates any small benefit the wealthy would receive from cuts on the lower marginal end.  Trump has said all the way back to the campaign that rich guys like him don’t need a tax cut…they’ll be just fine.  So if you’re unfortunate enough to call yourself a Democrat, what’s not to like?

Lie #2 – This is a Major Screwing to the Middle Class

Hmmm…this one is even MORE vexing.  A DOUBLING of the standard deduction AND a significant LOWERING of all marginal rates (except for the aforementioned top rate reserved for the fat cats), increased child tax credits, etc.  So wait…who’s getting screwed, again?  Well, the shady little game the Dems are playing is bastardizing the tax simplification aspect of this whole thing…that is, getting rid of a bunch of deductions for simplification purposes, but MORE than offset those ON AVERAGE by incorporating all those other tax lowering measures.  So the scam argument used by the Libs as they attack every eliminated deduction fails to acknowledge the other side of the equation.  But nice try.

In fact, many prominent Dems tweeted a bunch of garbage about the average middle class family’s taxes going up under the GOP plan. Amazingly, none other than the Lefty Washington Post crapped all over that notion, and gave them Four Pinocchio’s on a fact check!  My God, that’s the Olympic gold medal of lying in the journalism business.  Here’s exactly what the WaPost said…“In their haste to condemn the GOP tax plan, Democrats have spread far and wide the false claim that families making less than $86,100 on average will face a hefty tax hike.  Actually, it’s the opposite.  Most families in that income range would get a tax cut,  Any Democrat who spread this claim should delete their tweets and make clear they were in error.”  Definitely in the “Wonders Never Cease” category.

Lie #3 – This Tax Plan Will Blow a Hole in the Deficit

Nothing more hysterical than when the Libs in the Monopoly Money Party use the reason of the debt and deficit when opposing any GOP policy proposal.  That just tickles my funny bone to no end.  Like an alcoholic telling you… ya know, you really ought to cut back a bit on the hooch.  Completely laughable.  The initial plan as currently written would add about $1.5 trillion to the debt over the next decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).  Except, that is based on a static analysis.  A monumentally more realistic, dynamic analysis, taking into account the anticipated economic growth generated by the tax cuts, will show all day long that the $1.5 trillion “loss in revenue” will be offset by greater GDP growth…and then some.

I could go on all day, but you get the point.  So…Kennedy did it, Reagan did it, Clinton did it, Bush 43 did it…and now Trump is doing it.  Lowering taxes that is.  And every time the economy boomed like the nightly fireworks at the Magic Kingdom….although the Dopey Dems will deny THAT reality ad nauseam.  Obama did the OPPOSITE, plus lathered on regulations like cream cheese on a big, fat bagel.  And lo and behold, he was the first President to never have a single year of 3% GDP growth.  Shocker.  Didn’t need a damn crystal ball to predict THAT one.

As Archie Bunker famously said many times…CASE CLOSED!



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