
The scrumptious irony is almost intoxicating.  While there’s been a plethora of reporting in recent months on all kinds of shenanigans between the Russians, Hillary’s campaign, and the DNC…with the Fusion GPS fake dossier and corrupt uranium deal swizzled in…it’s been pretty much kept at bay by not only a disinterested… but a fully complicit…media.  Shocker.  Makes no difference, though…nor does Hillary’s “Six Degrees of Separation” strategy, a la Kevin Bacon.  BTW, did you know he was in Animal House?   Random flashback to my youth, but I  digress.  Anyway…This whole sordid “Trump collusion” lie, created as a diversion to the orgy of corruption that always seems to swirl around the Clinton’s, is imploding like a century old rat-infested building making way for some new fancy schmancy high-rise condos.  The cat and the horse have escaped the bag and barn, respectively, and I’m loving every minute of this political boomerang…

What could be more delicious than the beginnings of the impending collapse of the Clinton and DNC universe of corruption?  The word that captures it best is “comeuppance.”  Great word, right?  After having to endure these Marxist crybabies who can barely function in life since The Donald was elected President, the truth is now busting at the seams like Michael Moore’s pants after a few laps around the Golden Corral feeding trough.  As explained by Michael Goodwin of the NY Post…“The Washington Post reported that [Clinton’s] campaign and the DNC paid millions of dollars to a law firm, Perkins Coie, which hired a shadowy company called Fusion GPS, which hired a former British spy, Christopher Steele, to compile the dossier, much of which was said to be based on Kremlin sources….Their claim that nobody in the campaign or the DNC knew anything about the deal doesn’t pass the smell test. When as much as $12 million goes out the window for a document that aimed to win the election — and failed — everybody knows something.”

Yep.  Collusion.  Finally.  Except for the Libs, really Bizarro World collusion (Seinfeld aficionados will get that).  But it’s even better, as Goodwin further describes…“If the [FBI] did use the dossier to seek FISA warrants to intercept communications involving the Trump campaign, it would mean the FBI used a dirty trick from the candidate of the party in power as an excuse to investigate the candidate from the opposition party.  Somewhere, Richard Nixon is wondering why he didn’t think of that.”  That is REALLY the sixty-four dollar question.  If THIS happened…and it appears as likely as a Nancy Pelosi brain spasm…get ready for the parade of Perp Walks.  I’ll bring the popcorn.  And yet another twist of the knife… that shady 2010 uranium deal approved by Obama, Hillary, and others where Russia gained control of 20% of U.S. uranium production.  Yeah, the crap you make nuclear bombs with.  THAT deal was followed by a half million dollar speaking fee for Bill Clinton in Russia, and a reported $145M of donations to the Clinton Foundation by individuals having a stake in the deal.  Quid Pro Quo all day long.  And a gag order was just lifted by the Justice Dept on an informant who is going to spill the beans on all of it.  Can’t. Make. This. Stuff. Up.  Oh, am I gloating?  So sorry.  Quite unbecoming, I’m sure.

And just as the Left and Media have given themselves vertigo from all of their shuckin’ and jivin’ to try to avoid this oncoming freight train of brutally damaging revelations, they were thrown a momentary lifeline…or a shiny penny…take your pick…by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.  An indictment came down on Paul Manafort (Trump’s campaign manager for a whole 3 months) and his business associate for a bunch of financial misdeeds occurring YEARS before the 2016 campaign, and some other low-level flunkie for lying to the FBI.  Of course, the media miscreants are letting their imaginations run wild.  Except…in the indictment, nary a mention of the Trump campaign OR collusion.  Wait, what?  Darn the luck.  What a buzz kill, eh media?  Like setting up an online date with someone whose picture looks like Ivanka Trump, but in real life more resembles big, fat, pumpkin head Rosie O’Donnell (Halloween reference intended).

Despite wearing my overwhelming giddiness on my sleeve, I am surely not blind to the fact that this whole thing is a marathon and not a sprint.  Still, the Dems and the DNC are no doubt in a heap of trouble.  As opposed to the year-plus investigation of Trump/Russia collusion that has turned up nothing beyond speculation and conjecture, the jig is up for the Lefty Liars…and like a bad movie, the stonewalling and denials will mercifully…and necessarily…end.  I mean, busted by your buddies at the Washington Post?  My God, with friends like that…

Boomerang.  Irony.  Comeuppance.


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