Daily Archives: November 1, 2017


The scrumptious irony is almost intoxicating.  While there’s been a plethora of reporting in recent months on all kinds of shenanigans between the Russians, Hillary’s campaign, and the DNC…with the Fusion GPS fake dossier and corrupt uranium deal swizzled in…it’s been pretty much kept at bay by not only a disinterested… but a fully complicit…media.  Shocker.  Makes no difference, though…nor does Hillary’s “Six Degrees of Separation” strategy, a la Kevin Bacon.  BTW, did you know he was in Animal House?   Random flashback to my youth, but I  digress.  Anyway…This whole sordid “Trump collusion” lie, created as a diversion to the orgy of corruption that always seems to swirl around the Clinton’s, is imploding like a century old rat-infested building making way for some new fancy schmancy high-rise condos.  The cat and the horse have escaped the bag and barn, respectively, and I’m loving every minute of this political boomerang… Continue reading