Rock Bottom

I KNEW I hadn’t quite seen it yet…but I sensed it was coming…and I’d SURELY know it when I saw it.  Well, last week we saw the political discourse in this country take its final swirl down the drain of indecency.  Who REALLY knows, but you gotta have conviction in life, so I’m making the call right here and now.  Like a needle-scarred drug addict succumbing to an intervention, or an alcoholic, family and job pissed away, clutching desperately to that last, near empty bottle of hooch…we have hit ROCK BOTTOM.  Nowhere to go but up, right?   Don’t hold your breath…but feel free to hold your nose.

Of course…of course I’m referring to the disgusting antics of that Trump-hating Bozo, South Florida Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, and her utter political exploitation of a fallen soldier.  This dimwit makes Nancy Pelosi look like Stephen Hawking.  So, as President Trump is making the most difficult phone call a Commander-In-Chief has to make…expressing condolences and gratitude to the wife of a fallen soldier… this Congresswoman, apparently a friend of the soldier’s family, inexplicably listens in.  Trump says something to the effect that Sgt. La David Johnson knew what he was getting into, but volunteered for military service anyway, as an obvious nod to his bravery and sacrifice.  That was the intended message.  Might his words have come across in a clumsy and inartful way?  I mean, it’s Trump, so quite possibly.  But to push the narrative that President Trump offered a hurtful or offensive message in some purposeful way is as dishonest and disgusting as it is incomprehensible. 

So this circus sideshow of a Congresswoman, famous for sporting various ridiculous, gaudily decorated cowboy hats, calls the comment “disrespectful.”  And it devolved from there.  The breathtaking idiocy and gall of this moron is only exceeded by her unhinged hatred for the President.  Not shockingly, she is one of the card-carrying members of the Trump-hating Congressional Black Caucus who boycotted the inauguration, and in unison, have been threatening impeachment since election day.  Incompetent partisan hacks doesn’t begin to describe these geniuses.  It is truly tragic for the country that this mental defective in a clown hat…who isn’t worthy of scrubbing the Capitol Building toilets, as far as I’m concerned…actually occupies a seat in the House of Representatives.  What mouth-breathing brainiacs must live in her district to continue pulling the lever for this bungling fraud.

Enter 4-Star General John Kelly, Trump’s Chief-of-Staff…the embodiment of a true American hero, and a Gold Star father himself.  He was so “stunned and broken-hearted,” (his words) at the actions of this Congresswoman, he felt the need to address it in front of the White House Press Corps.  General Kelly proceeded to deliver probably the most moving, personal, dignified, and impassioned dissertation I’ve ever heard from ANYONE out of Washington, and at the same time showed his fully justified contempt and disgust for Congresswoman Wilson, referring to her as an “Empty Barrel.”  Understatement of the century, but appropriate for the setting, I suppose.

And for being described as such, Clown Lady herself, an African-American, won the Predictability Award by declaring General Kelly a racist, because, well…that’s what liberals do. Maybe she would have preferred something a bit less nuanced…Dumb F*ck comes to mind.  Like a wise man by the name of Forrest Gump once said…”Stupid is as stupid does.”  And NOWHERE did Forrest EVER mention skin color.  So please, spare me the racist drivel, you worthless dolt.

Not surprisingly, General Kelly and I are in good company with our disgust and contempt for this ignorant broad…who clearly views her IQ like a golf score.  Lower ain’t better, honey.  From one of my oft mentioned go-to writers, Charles Hurt of The Washington Times…“Congresswoman Wilson is living proof that, literally, anyone — no matter how stupid — can get elected to Congress. And the fact that there is actually a party in American politics that would allow someone so dumb in their caucus only proves how unseriously Democrats take themselves and how much contempt party leaders have for innocent American voters.  At this point, Congresswoman Wilson is no longer a blabbering dolt to be humored. She is slashing at the fabric of society, mocking the most treasured sacrifice known to free people. Taking a moment so solemn that most Americans cannot even comprehend it and distorting it into the cheapest blinking politics she could cobble together.”  Yep, what HE said.

As I sat in awe with welled-up eyes after General Kelly’s measured and inspiring words, I breathed a sigh of relief, sensing we can now collectively extract ourselves from this cesspool we were all hopelessly wading in.  In recounting the painful loss of his own Marine son in Afghanistan in 2010, Kelly opines, “I just thought the selfless devotion that brings a man or a woman to die on the battlefield, I just thought that might be sacred.”  Sadly, not for these nauseating Libs, General.  One guess as to how the Left and Media reacted to General Kelly’s comments.  BINGO!  They ATTACKED him.  Yep.  The Media.  The Congresswoman.  And all the rest of the Merry Marxist Marauders.  As Michael Goodwin of the NY Post so rightly opines, As Kelly talked to the press corps, I felt how tawdry much of the media has become, how bloated with vanity and ignorance. So many lack any humility about things they don’t know, ­including the life-and-death decisions of others sworn to keep them safe.  For his trouble, Kelly was soon the target of the idiot class. Leading the race to the bottom was, naturally, a new-wave Democrat connected to Hillary Clinton.  Brian Fallon, a CNN contributor and former Clinton flack, put out an appalling tweet that said in part: “Kelly isn’t just an ­enabler of Trump. He’s a believer in him. That makes him as odious as the rest.”   Despite my great desire, I’m spent… completely devoid of additional insulting adjectives.

In the end, it is the bottom-feeding Libs that have finally dragged us all down to the depths of depravity, aka ROCK BOTTOM.  So, as THEY continue to so comfortably wade through their indigenous political muck, the rest of us need only muster the wherewithal to free ourselves from their sickening and destructive grasp.

We owe it to the fallen soldiers.

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