Flushing Obama

Sometimes, life DOES imitate art.  There’s an old Seinfeld episode where George Costanza does the EXACT OPPOSITE of what one would think is the right thing to do in every situation….and with smashing success.  OK, delusional as I am at times, I know it’s just a TV show.  However, that single episode provided Donald Trump the exact template with which to defeat The Hildabeast…her own screaming ineptness, shortcomings, and absent message notwithstanding.  The coastal elites were all too happy to frolic behind the Pied Piper of Politics, Barry Obama, in his quest to transform Peoria into Paris….and continued to skip in unison as the baton was firmly slapped into Hillary’s little sausage fingers.  But flyover country had another idea.  You know, the kind of people that stand up when the national anthem is playing?  As promised, The Donald is simply channeling Costanza and doing the opposite of every Obama policy…mercifully flushing away the stench of eight years of flaccid, progressive rule.  SOMEBODY GET THE PLUNGER!  Ew.

Despite the apoplectic hysteria of the media and Libs, Trump is in fact simply doing what he promised…with or without the help of the impotent Republicans in Congress…their poor wives.  These guys couldn’t pass gas, much less any meaningful legislation.  I mean, a “politician” actually KEEPING their promises?  Such blasphemy doesn’t even compute inside the beltway.  Like Obama famously said a few years ago…“I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone…and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward…”  After winning in 2008, he also said…“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.”  Such political trash talk feels good in the moment, I suppose, but inevitably comes back like a good swift kick in the naughty bits.  Luckily for the Obama’s, I suspect they’re done having kids.

The frantic gyrations of Obama’s obsessively adoring media as they try to defend garbage like the disastrous Obamacare and abysmal Iran nuclear deal is even more pathetic than Hillary acting like she’s not totally keeping Weinstein’s dirty money.  THESE were the signature achievements of Obama’s presidency?  A failed, psuedo-government run healthcare system that was based on a pack of lies, and a nuke deal with Iran that most experts view as a complete ineffectual joke, not worth the paper it’s written on?  Add to those a whole litany of other liberal progressive policy disasters crapped-out by the Obama Administration for eight long, miserable years.  As Michael Goodwin of the NY Post describes…“It’s nine months into the administration, and there is no rest for the hair-on-fire coverage. Whether it’s Trump’s move to make changes to NAFTA, decertify the Iran deal, eliminate some ObamaCare rules or cut taxes, each is greeted with a collective howl of outrage….The knee-jerk anti-Trump coverage shows that the media didn’t learn anything from its biased performance during the 2016 campaign. It’s still shilling for Democrats, with the left’s political talking points echoed in headlines, articles and broadcasts.”  AND that we’re too busy clinging to our guns and religion to see it.  Or too stupid.  Probably both.

OK, OK media…please spare us…WE GET IT.  Trump makes Hitler look like Mister Rogers. Whatever.  But save your breath, because your liberal bed-wetting choir in NY, LA, and DC is already simpatico.  Everyone else is laughing at you.  Not WITH you.  AT you.  But knock yourself out…continue to blindly double, triple, and quadruple down on all those failed liberal policies you so adore, like high taxes, over-regulation, slashing defense budgets, open borders, sanctuary cities, yada, yada, yada.  Wait, almost forgot…need to get this EXACTLY right…Trump is The Devil and his supporters are disgusting steamy mounds of dog squeeze.  Nailed it.  Like listening to my favorite old Tom Petty song, “American Girl.”  Music to my ears.

I mean, it ALL worked SO well for you last November.


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