Daily Archives: October 18, 2017

Flushing Obama

Sometimes, life DOES imitate art.  There’s an old Seinfeld episode where George Costanza does the EXACT OPPOSITE of what one would think is the right thing to do in every situation….and with smashing success.  OK, delusional as I am at times, I know it’s just a TV show.  However, that single episode provided Donald Trump the exact template with which to defeat The Hildabeast…her own screaming ineptness, shortcomings, and absent message notwithstanding.  The coastal elites were all too happy to frolic behind the Pied Piper of Politics, Barry Obama, in his quest to transform Peoria into Paris….and continued to skip in unison as the baton was firmly slapped into Hillary’s little sausage fingers.  But flyover country had another idea.  You know, the kind of people that stand up when the national anthem is playing?  As promised, The Donald is simply channeling Costanza and doing the opposite of every Obama policy…mercifully flushing away the stench of eight years of flaccid, progressive rule.  SOMEBODY GET THE PLUNGER!  Ew. Continue reading