The Harrowing Heights of Hollywood Hypocrisy

I always like to take pride in the fact that I’m a guy who can admit when he’s wrong.  OK, my better half won’t agree with that, but she’s ONE person, so can’t I legitimately dismiss HER opinion as simply anecdotal?  Anyway, just when I thought these Libs could not climb the ladder of hypocrisy any further, I realized I was more wrong than the guy who mistakenly sent Nancy Pelosi a Mensa application in the mail.  I mean, Jack and the Beanstalk has nothing on THIS crew as far as reaching new heights.  And what’s worse, it’s blatant and in your face…like an Antifa fascist hurling a brick though the local florist’s window.

My guess is that about a week or so ago, not everyone had heard of the most powerful Hollywood Movie Mogul, Harvey Weinstein.  That most certainly has changed.  It seems that this OTHER Hurricane Harvey considered every starlet wannabe within a thousand mile radius of his bloated keister to be his own personal amusement park ride…for the past few decades.  So the failing NY Times BREAKS this story of Weinstein’s rampant sexual abuse?  Give ME a break.  This was the worst kept secret in Hollywood and political circles for the past 30 years…a time span that exceeds the ages of most of his victims.  Other than the trickle of Hollywood and DC voices that have commented publicly, most have remained deafeningly silent…the growing pile-on by the late-coming cowards notwithstanding.  These hypocrites wet their Tommy Johns when a Conservative gets caught with their hands in the…um…cookie jar, then pontificate and lecture us all breathlessly about misogyny and sexism from some morally superior high ground that only THEY occupy.  Then look the other way when it’s “one of their own.”  And don’t fall victim to the “there’s hypocrisy on BOTH sides” line of BS.  Let’s be completely candid…if hypocrisy was a baseball team, the Left would be the NY Yankees…the Right, merely the Toledo Mud Hens.

But it gets even better.  It seems the NY Times was going to blow the lid off this story 13 FRIGGIN’ YEARS AGO.  What the hell happened?  As reported in the Weekly Standard, “But of course people knew about Harvey Weinstein. Like the New York Times, for instance. Sharon Waxman, a former reporter at the Times, writes in The Wrap how she had the story on Weinstein in 2004—and then he bullied the Times into dropping it. Matt Damon and Russell Crowe even called her directly to get her to back off the story.”  So, the Lib Misogyny Police wails from the summit of Mount Liberal Utopia about guys like Bill O’Reilly and Roger Ailes who got fired over a fraction of Weinstein’s allegations, but they protect THIS this guy for decades?  Of the mountains of disgusting liberal hypocrisy we’re inundated with on a daily basis, this Weinstein crap is the pièce de résistance, and nothing less than the figurative rape of every woman on the planet (as opposed to Bill Clinton’s literal ones, but I digress).  Way to go, Tinseltown.

And what about the pathetic parade of politicians who OF COURSE knew plenty of the dirt on this purveyor of perversion, but cozied up to him for decades anyway as he whipped out his…ahem…checkbook.  It took Hillary and the Obama’s five days to denounce this guy?  Really? If Weinstein was a conservative, these frauds would have been blabbing like a bunch of yentas at the beauty parlor the second the story broke.  We know it…and THEY know it.

But are ANY of us REALLY surprised by ANY of this.  Nah.  The Libs don’t give a rat’s ass about misogyny or sexism…unless it’s fodder for Hillary’s excuse tour, that is.  Otherwise, they wouldn’t have protected Weinstein for decades.  Hey, I think I’m on a roll…They don’t care about poor, poor illegal immigrants, they just want to jam as many in the country as fast as possible in anticipation of the inevitable day amnesty bestows upon them the right to vote (Democratic) in one fell swoop.  Global Warming?  I don’t know, ask Al Gore, Leo DiCaprio, and Robert Kennedy Jr. why they personally have carbon footprints bigger than most small U.S. cities.  And sadly, the notion that they are such great champions of women and minority rights is as phony as John Travolta’s hair.  I mean, you’d have to be the least observant person on the planet to not notice how they viciously attack every single woman and minority who happens to be a conservative.  For shit’s sake, are we GETTING this yet??

So, Weinstein gets fired from his own company, his wife bolts like she’s running from a burning building, and Weinstein jets across the pond for sexual addiction treatment.  I love happy endings.  Unfortunately, so did Harvey.

Hey, they should make a movie out of this.  Hmmm…