Killing Vegas

Well, another first.  You MAY have noticed (probably not, but let’s stay with that thought)…that for the first time in the 14 months I’ve been writing this blog, a week has passed where I failed to post something.  While I have published blog posts previously when I was traveling, it just didn’t happen for me last week.  I was in Colorado bingeing on hiking, brewery hopping, dining…and rumor has it, a trip to the local cannabis dispensary…strictly for social research purposes, of course.  It IS Colorado, after all.  Ya know…when in Rome.  And to my great dismay, the world of news and politics kept right on chugging along just fine without me.  So much for what’s left of my very fragile ego.  Anyway, like a couple of old friends sharing a few magnificently hoppy IPA’s at their favorite brew pub, time for us to catch up…

Stand Up You SOB’s!

Truth be told, I’m sick to death of this issue.  But when President Trump was riffing at his most recent rally in Alabama about Colin Kaepernick and the rest of his millionaire buddies that won’t get off their oppressed butts to stand for the national anthem and called them SOB’s that should get fired…so what?  My God, the leg-wetting over this completely innocuous comment from a raucous Trump rally makes the torrential rains of Hurricane Harvey resemble a mere spring shower.  The NFL is in a world of hurt, and I’m enjoying the hell out of watching the league and the wimpy team owners squirm like a kindergartener that can’t find the bathroom on the first day of school.  It’s Business 101 for God’s sake…Don’t offend and alienate your customers!  I mean, your typical blue-collar fan who dons the jersey of their beloved hometown team every Sunday doesn’t take too kindly to dissing Old Glory, ya know?  Ratings and attendance in the crapper, big time sponsors like Budweiser threatening to pull out.  Jesus, did you see Cowboys owner Jerry Jones kneeling with his players in that contrived show of “solidarity?”  He looked more uncomfortable and out of place than Michael Moore in a two-piece prancing down the runway at a Victoria Secret fashion show.

Like I’ve said before…go protest on your own time.  And while you’re at it, find something to protest that isn’t based on some false liberal progressive and media narrative.  As Bill O’Reilly so astutely opined…“On the leftist websites, the dissenting athletes are lauded as heroes, fighting the “oppression” that America embraces.  But many folks see this rank propaganda for what it is — an exaggeration of social ills in order to push a political agenda.”   Nail on the head right there, Bill.  And for his part, Kaepernick, still unemployed and the undisputed leader of the kneeling movement, has reportedly gone into business with Monica Lewinsky selling designer knee-pads.  So there IS that.


Yep…It pretty much just took a countdown from three for the disgusting Libs to politicize the horrible and sickening mass shooting in Las Vegas.  I mean, as sure as Bill Clinton will hit on some woman today 40 years his junior, you KNEW in no time flat the Dems would start blaming Republicans and the NRA for the killings.  Same old, same old.  But the fact these stunningly tone-deaf Socialists can’t AT LEAST wait until they’ve stopped counting the bodies before pursuing some sort of political win is as revolting as it gets.  These nitwits are saturated with gall, but without a drop of shame.

Among the myriad of examples, I’ll share my two fav’s.  For this first one, let’s play “Who Said This?”…“The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots.  Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.”  A dead heat between stupidity and incoherence.  Maxine Waters?  Nope.  Nancy Pelosi?  Warmer.  Give up?  None other than two-time presidential loser (and coincidentally married to a two-timer), Hillary Clinton.  A retarded statement on ANY day…but off the charts within 24 hours of the massacre.

And keeping with our theme of retarded statements by liberals, I give you Hayley Geftman-Gold, a (now former) top lawyer at CBS, who tweeted…“I’m actually not even sympathetic bc country music fans often are Republican gun toters.”  Putrid, offensive statement, followed by the obligatory insincere apology…but to no avail, because this is CLEARLY how she…and her liberal comrades…feel.  And kudos to CBS for not monkeying around with this broad and immediately dispensing with her like a lanced boil.  With apologies to lanced boils.

So…next time some hysterical Lib starts babbling about a mass shooting and screaming for tighter gun laws…which I’m fine with, by the way, if well thought out and doesn’t infringe on 2nd Amendment rights…ask them why they do not appear to be similarly outraged about the cities with the highest gun violence, which occurs ON A DAILY BASIS…Chicago, New Orleans, Baltimore, Detroit, Oakland, St. Louis, Milwaukee, DC, etc.?  As they stare at you blankly like a mental patient, you can be so kind as to give them the two-part answer…1)  The cities with the most extreme gun violence are run primarily by…wait for it…Democrats.  Often for the last 50 to 100 years.  And as we know anything that can be perceived as a “stain” on Democrats is largely ignored by Libs and the media.  2)  Those very same cities typically have the STRICTEST gun control laws, which completely eviscerates their fundamental argument in the first place.

No matter how much you want to tweak the gun laws on the periphery…which is fine…any nut bag that wants to kill 50 people will obtain their guns legally or otherwise.  And to not recognize this fact is nothing less than massively delusional.  Bottom line is that these mass shootings are more of a mental health issue than anything else.

You’d think liberals, who deal with their own unique form of mental illness, would understand this perfectly.


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