Daily Archives: October 4, 2017

Killing Vegas

Well, another first.  You MAY have noticed (probably not, but let’s stay with that thought)…that for the first time in the 14 months I’ve been writing this blog, a week has passed where I failed to post something.  While I have published blog posts previously when I was traveling, it just didn’t happen for me last week.  I was in Colorado bingeing on hiking, brewery hopping, dining…and rumor has it, a trip to the local cannabis dispensary…strictly for social research purposes, of course.  It IS Colorado, after all.  Ya know…when in Rome.  And to my great dismay, the world of news and politics kept right on chugging along just fine without me.  So much for what’s left of my very fragile ego.  Anyway, like a couple of old friends sharing a few magnificently hoppy IPA’s at their favorite brew pub, time for us to catch up… Continue reading