Daily Archives: September 21, 2017

Trump 1, U.N. Zip

Say what you want about The Donald, but when this guy needs to REALLY rise to the occasion…my God.  I mean, if you had a whole truckload of Viagra, and Trump was a…um…never mind, you get the analogy.  Anyway, we often hear the term “Leader of The Free World” when referring to a U.S. President.  After I witnessed the greatness that was President Trump’s address to the United Nations General Assembly, I realized I hadn’t seen a U.S. President that wore the “Leader of The Free World” moniker in recent times so glowingly since Reagan.  Unlike O.J., THAT glove fits quite nicely, thank you very much.  And yes, that includes both Bush 41 and 43.  Carter, Clinton, and Obama?  Surely you jest.  Trump was certainly channeling ANOTHER American Bad Ass, Clint Eastwood, when he laid down The Gauntlet with these sniveling Lefty Globalists and Dictators at the U.N.  I only wish he dropped “Go Ahead, Make My Day.”  But then you can’t have everything, can you? Continue reading