And Then…There Were Three

You ever notice how a lot of things in life seems to come in three’s?  Like, when you hear about famous or well-known people passing away, there seems to be three in the same week.  There’s a million of them.  The Three Stooges.  Three Dog Night.  The Three Little Pigs.  Snap, Crackle, and Pop.  You catch my drift.  And today, even gender…male, female, and, well…”other.”  So in this vain, I started thinking about politics…particularly President Trump.  And a couple of these things hit me like a ton of Michael Moore…both of which will surely have traditional Republicans reaching for their favorite bottle of hooch until they’re three sheets to the wind…

The first thing that comes to mind vis-a-vis politics, of course, is Third-Party Candidate.  I mean, let’s be candid…President Trump ran as a Republican…but this ex-Democrat is no Republican in the truest sense of the word…and by the way, that is in NO way meant to be disparaging.  Why else do you think the Republican establishment hates this guy?  And if he ran as an Independent…or something else…he would have split the Republican vote a la Ross Perot in 1992…and lost, as sure as Hillary would have worn her best pantsuit to the inaugural ball.  Just ask Bush 41.  Point is that it seems for the first time ever, we REALLY do have a guy actually IN THE WHITE HOUSE who belongs to a (yet unnamed) third-party.  Trumplican?  Trumpocrat? Anyway, with the abysmal, embarrassing, and inexcusable failure by the Republican majorities in Congress to move the ball forward on healthcare…or even agree on pizza toppings for those late night meetings…Trump sees that he needs to, at least for the moment, swipe left on the congressional GOP’ers, in his quest for a political love connection.

In sports vernacular, if you’re inept and winless, you scrap your crappy game plan for another. And that’s what Coach Trump did in forging a quick deal with Dem leaders Chuckie Schumer and Nancy Pelosi on hurricane aid, the debt limit, and avoiding a government shutdown.  Hey, I STILL think that Schumer is a dishonest clown, and Pelosi is dumb as a stump…but desperate times call for desperate measures.  Brilliant move, and here’s why…three open items cleared from the legislative deck quickly by this unlikely political threesome so Team Trump can focus solely on his current crown jewel, Tax Reform.  This also avoided more childish political fights when a show of bipartisanship was desperately needed in the aftermath of two devastating hurricanes.  But most importantly…a loud and clear message to the impotent Republicans that the deal making orgy has begun.  A vote is a vote is a vote, by the way…no matter who casts it. Compromise is no longer a dirty word…The Gipper would be proud.  Pragmatism over politics…Who’da Thunk It?  And BOTH parties in Washington are flooding their skivvies over it. SOMEBODY CALL FEMA!  FORGET WATER!  BRING DEPENDS!

As Michael Goodwin of the NY Post writes…“…we are witnessing a potential turning point in the Trump presidency, one that could further shake up Washington and rattle the calcified political parties.  The developments show the president shedding the party straitjacket and being true to his disrupter candidacy.  If he continues and is successful, he could create a new coalition that includes revolving members of both parties, depending on the issue.  Like children watching their parents fight, most voters just want a productive peace, not an endless battle for ­total victory that yields nothing of common value.  Above all, they want a government that works for them, not one fixated on partisan scorekeeping and ideological litmus tests.”  Radical concept, huh?

Wow, I Actually CAN Be Offended!

You know, not much really offends me.  Sure, I get pissed off at a lot of things coming from the Looney Left on a daily basis…but offended?  Nah.  Well, this one chapped my hide a bit…so strap on your rubber boots as you wade through the following verbal excrement by yet another Socialist Congressman bomb-thrower who poses as a Dumbocrat…all because he disagrees with the White House and President Trump’s Chief of Staff, 4-Star General and Gold Star parent John Kelly on the DACA issue…“General Kelly is a hypocrite who is a disgrace to the uniform he used to wear.  He has no honor and should be drummed out of the White House along with the white supremacists and those enabling the President’s actions by ‘just following orders.”

I could go on all day about this piece if shit Gutierrez, but I have too much respect for my readers to expose them to such an expletive-filled rant.  In lieu of that, here is General Kelly’s classic (AND classy) response…“As far as the congressman and other irresponsible members of congress are concerned, they have the luxury of saying what they want as they do nothing and have almost no responsibility.  They can call people liars but it would be inappropriate for me to say the same thing back at them.  As my blessed mother used to say ‘empty barrels make the most noise.”  

I wish I had General Kelly’s ability to display such restraint…sadly I don’t.  Simply put, General Kelly has more balls, honor, and dignity than every male member of the pathetic Gutierrez lineage rolled into one…back to the friggin’ Stone Age.  But keep it up MI AMIGO…because every asinine, offensive comment, every statue torn down, every violent Leftist action not condemned by your stupid Socialist wannabe party or the media, puts President Trump closer and closer to channeling Fred Astaire and waltzing right back into office in 2020.

You think Trump Derangement Syndrome is bad now?  When 2020 happens, it’ll be three times worse.

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