The Media’s Fiction Fetish

By all objective and sane accounts, President Trump and his administration are doing a superb job in the hurricane relief efforts in Texas, from the standpoint of both timeliness of providing federal resources, as well as very effective coordination with local and state authorities.  But while in the midst of witnessing the horrendous flooding in Houston, there was another, and quite humorous, flood unfolding before our eyes.  In Leftist media newsrooms and studios nationwide…many hundreds of miles from the REAL action…there was a beautiful waterfall of tears and uncontrolled bladders, triggered by a bunch of Libs who would believe in the Tooth Fairy long before they would EVER believe that President Trump could be a party to anything that would resemble “competence.” But to their GREAT dismay, he did just that.

I mean, was there anything more pathetic than the media gyrations as they fell all over themselves to spin negative stories about Trump and Hurricane Harvey?  First, these useless twits went insane over the fact that Melania was seen sporting a pair of…GASP!…high heels as she and the President departed the White House for a visit to Texas.  OH, THE HUMANITY! Never mind that she changed into more comfortable footwear once she arrived.  Never want to give the WHOLE story, ya know.  It’s nonsensical crap like this that drives people to not only ignore these elitist bubble dwellers in the media…but to openly ridicule them.  And deservedly so.

Then, these purveyors of farcical fiction hammered Trump for not going to Houston initially, when it was universally understood…at least by people not donning a straightjacket…that it would have been a logistical nightmare for the first responders to deal with a Presidential visit while people were still getting plucked out of raging floodwaters.  So he went elsewhere in Texas initially, then back to Houston a few days later.  In his latest column, Bill O’Reilly agrees…“While hard-working correspondents told stories of rescue and heartbreak, mostly left-wing commentators went to town on President Trump from their dry, air-conditioned studios.  Even though the president and First Lady Melania Trump visited East Texas quickly, the hate-Trump brigade criticized his lack of “empathy” and, in their eyes, his concern only for his supporters. Also, incredibly, the brigades opened fire on Mrs. Trump’s shoes. Apparently, the heels were too high to tour a flood zone or something.”  I think I hate the media more than running out of my favorite IPA.  And people that know me know what a monumental statement that is.

A Bad Dream?

This next one has really turned the media into a kindergarten class just informed that snack time was canceled… NOOOOOOO!   The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which President Obama enacted unilaterally via executive order…and pretty much every single legal scholar deemed unconstitutional…has been rescinded by the Trump Administration, BUT is giving Congress six months to fix the problem.  This program…always intended to be temporary…gave people who entered the country illegally as children by no fault of their own, referred to as “Dreamers,” a reprieve from the risk of deportation.  Clearly, a “Best of Both Worlds” decision…get all of this on firm legal footing by shit-canning the unconstitutional executive order, AND giving Congress time to fix legislatively…you know, how government is supposed to work…the way we learned in 8th grade Civics class?  Everyone should be happy, right?  Well, not so much.  Come to think of it, I haven’t seen a happy liberal since the day BEFORE the election.

So while the open borders media will repeat thousands of times in the coming days about what a MONSTER President Trump is, and provide reporting on this DACA issue sans facts and perspective, here’s Newt Gingrich to do their job for them…“This is one of the best examples of real leadership that we’ve seen from President Trump…Every one of the president’s major legal advisers say it was unconstitutional. But he also knew that to arbitrarily stop it would put 800,000 people at risk, who came here as children, who really, in many cases, have no other country in their experience than the United States.  And so I think he has come up with a very powerful model.  Congress, which did not want him to roll back arbitrarily, Congress now has to do its job. This should be doable. It shouldn’t be that hard.”  

In announcing this decision, Attorney General Jeff Sessions quoted famed (liberal) law professor and constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley, who said…“In ordering this blanket exception, President Obama was nullifying part of a law that he simply disagreed with. If a president can claim sweeping discretion to suspend key federal laws, the entire legislative process becomes little more than a pretense…The circumvention of the legislative process not only undermines the authority of this branch but destabilizes the tripartite system as a whole. Well sure, that’s the Liberal Progressive Utopia these snowflakes pine for each and every day.  A borderless and lawless society…these great United States FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMED (sound familiar?) into a pathetic shadow of its former self…an unrecognizable collection of “Global Citizens.” To these subversives, the Constitution isn’t worth the parchment it’s written on.  Random thought…these whiny America hating Libs DO realize that every airline offers ONE WAY airfare…do they not?

So…just add DACA to the long list of CACA dumped in President Trump’s lap on January 20th. It’s like Obama is the carriage-pulling horse trotting through Central Park leaving a big steamy pile every 50 feet, and Trump is the guy in tow carrying the shovel, cleaning up the mess.

It’s a dirty job, but someone’s gotta do it.


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