Monthly Archives: September 2017

Trump 1, U.N. Zip

Say what you want about The Donald, but when this guy needs to REALLY rise to the occasion…my God.  I mean, if you had a whole truckload of Viagra, and Trump was a…um…never mind, you get the analogy.  Anyway, we often hear the term “Leader of The Free World” when referring to a U.S. President.  After I witnessed the greatness that was President Trump’s address to the United Nations General Assembly, I realized I hadn’t seen a U.S. President that wore the “Leader of The Free World” moniker in recent times so glowingly since Reagan.  Unlike O.J., THAT glove fits quite nicely, thank you very much.  And yes, that includes both Bush 41 and 43.  Carter, Clinton, and Obama?  Surely you jest.  Trump was certainly channeling ANOTHER American Bad Ass, Clint Eastwood, when he laid down The Gauntlet with these sniveling Lefty Globalists and Dictators at the U.N.  I only wish he dropped “Go Ahead, Make My Day.”  But then you can’t have everything, can you? Continue reading

And Then…There Were Three

You ever notice how a lot of things in life seems to come in three’s?  Like, when you hear about famous or well-known people passing away, there seems to be three in the same week.  There’s a million of them.  The Three Stooges.  Three Dog Night.  The Three Little Pigs.  Snap, Crackle, and Pop.  You catch my drift.  And today, even gender…male, female, and, well…”other.”  So in this vain, I started thinking about politics…particularly President Trump.  And a couple of these things hit me like a ton of Michael Moore…both of which will surely have traditional Republicans reaching for their favorite bottle of hooch until they’re three sheets to the wind… Continue reading

The Media’s Fiction Fetish

By all objective and sane accounts, President Trump and his administration are doing a superb job in the hurricane relief efforts in Texas, from the standpoint of both timeliness of providing federal resources, as well as very effective coordination with local and state authorities.  But while in the midst of witnessing the horrendous flooding in Houston, there was another, and quite humorous, flood unfolding before our eyes.  In Leftist media newsrooms and studios nationwide…many hundreds of miles from the REAL action…there was a beautiful waterfall of tears and uncontrolled bladders, triggered by a bunch of Libs who would believe in the Tooth Fairy long before they would EVER believe that President Trump could be a party to anything that would resemble “competence.” But to their GREAT dismay, he did just that. Continue reading