The Floods of Hurricane Snowflake

The awful floods in Texas from Hurricane Harvey, which has unfortunately decided to linger like a high schooler in front of 7-11, desperately trying to get someone old enough to buy them beer (what, I never did that), has reminded me of another flood…in the figurative sense.  And that is the seemingly daily flood of bullying by liberal progressives in an effort to sanitize society of anything they deem offensive…which is demonstrably everything they encounter once they cross the threshold from their safe space out into the cold, cruel, racist world.  So while we pray for the poor folks in Texas as they deal with their horrible new reality, at least for now…grab the nearest barf bag as you take in the most recent flurry of nauseating stories that only a Commie Pinko Progressive could love…

Anyone Need A Back-up Quarterback?

Liberals, always looking for a good demonstration, seem to be absolutely distraught over the fact that Colin Kaepernick doesn’t have an NFL job.  So much so they’ve taken to the streets with their feigned outrage.  My God, do ANY of these friggin’ people have jobs?  Yes, I am one of those people offended when some overpaid, coddled athlete won’t get off his ass to stand for the national anthem.  The Libs scream about how he has a right to do it.  OF COURSE!  And millions have died giving him that right.  Not one person ever said otherwise.  But guess what…these teams that are private businesses ALSO have the right to NOT hire some militant that would be a total cancer in the locker room, AND piss off most of their fan base.  And THEY have the right to make this prudent business decision without being accused of collusion, racism, or any other such BS.  Guys like Kaepernick, who probably got their butts kissed their whole lives because of their athletic prowess, clearly never learned the concept of having consequences to their actions.  Go make political statements on your own time…not when you’re on the clock.

Double Trouble for ESPN

Well, ESPN insists on continuing to step in mountains of manure and doesn’t seem to care. You’ve likely all heard about the college football announcer that will not be allowed to work a University of Virginia football game because his name is Robert Lee.  Too close to Robert E Lee. And it’s Virginia.  So in the wake of the Charlottesville mess, this would surely offend some snowflake, right?  And Robert Lee the football announcer happens to be an Asian dude.  Can’t make this stuff up.

But this next one rated highest on the Lib-O-Meter, thanks to the Leftist management wussies at ESPN.  A veteran tennis analyst, Doug Adler, was announcing a tennis match back in January when he used the common tennis term “guerrilla effect” to describe the aggressive play of Venus Williams.  Well, the grievance mob on Twitter went apoplectic as they thought this was some sort of racial slur against a black tennis player.  Jesus, really?  So, instead of trying to explain the clear misunderstanding to the Progressive Pansies in the Twittersphere, ESPN just fired the guy.  Yep.  Mr. Adler’s life has been ruined.  Can’t get a job, had a heart attack from the stress, etc.  Now he’s suing Disney.  Even as a stockholder, I hope Mr. Adler gets many millions out of the Mouse House…and then some.  The Bunny Ranch has nothing on this guy in the “getting screwed” department.

More Miscellaneous Madness

A couple quickies…so many from which to choose in the United States of Political Correctness. Let’s see…out in the People’s Republic of California…The horse ridden by the Trojan mascot at USC is named “Traveler.”  So what?  Well…darn the luck…it seems that Gen Robert E. Lee’s horse was ALSO named “Traveler.”  The leg-wetting student safe-spacers are crying that this is SURELY a racist symbol, and it must be eliminated…PRONTO!  Methinks a massive intervention on college campuses nationwide by mental health professionals is in order here…don’t you? “Please give your belt and any sharp objects to the lady at the door upon entering.  Thank You.”

And just for giggles…The Orpheum Theater Group in Memphis has decided to cancel a screening of Gone With The Wind in their 2018 Summer Movie Series because it’s racially insensitive.  I mean, 64% of that city is African-American, after all.  But that’s OK…I mean, between tearing down statues and shopping for sales on Depends, who the hell has time to go see a flick anyway?

And so it goes.

So, like an inquisitive 5-year-old does every two minutes…you have to ask yourself, why?  OK, I get that we all have to endure this idiocy from the Lefty creampuffs…but why do companies and institutions enable these blithering Fascist morons?  Well, I actually heard a quite plausible and interesting explanation recently to that very question, courtesy of Jason Whitlock, a famed and longtime sports journalist, who happens to also be African-American…“Were we far enough left on this position to be protected from a Twitter backlash? That’s what drove them to make this decision. How much farther left can we move so that Twitter won’t kill us? Executives, not just at ESPN, but most acutely at ESPN are making decisions based off of what type of reaction we’ll get from Twitter and Twitter is rigged by Silicon Valley to be far left, that’s the only opinion that’s tolerated there. And that’s how these decisions happen.”

Yep.  Frankly, other than a few one offs, like finding a lost cat, raising money for victims of tragedy, or sharing pics of the new baby with Grandma, social media has become quite the cancer on society for the most part.  And sadly, just like the Looney Left…it ain’t going anywhere.

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