Daily Archives: August 30, 2017

The Floods of Hurricane Snowflake

The awful floods in Texas from Hurricane Harvey, which has unfortunately decided to linger like a high schooler in front of 7-11, desperately trying to get someone old enough to buy them beer (what, I never did that), has reminded me of another flood…in the figurative sense.  And that is the seemingly daily flood of bullying by liberal progressives in an effort to sanitize society of anything they deem offensive…which is demonstrably everything they encounter once they cross the threshold from their safe space out into the cold, cruel, racist world.  So while we pray for the poor folks in Texas as they deal with their horrible new reality, at least for now…grab the nearest barf bag as you take in the most recent flurry of nauseating stories that only a Commie Pinko Progressive could love… Continue reading