The Great American Whitewash

Well, as the solar eclipse came and went, the hysterical Libs keep spinning out of control faster than the teacups at The Magic Kingdom.  And just when I thought I’ve heard the most nonsensical and delusional words dribbling out of the pieholes of those on the Left, they continue to outdo themselves over and over again…and this past week was no exception. Trump is a racist, his supporters are racists, this is a racist country…yada, yada, yada.  As I’ve said before, they may as well call people eggplants or kumquats, because that would be as meaningful at this point as calling them racist…a word rendered virtually meaningless by Libs. As they say…if everyone’s a racist, no one’s a racist.  So, while the Leftists insist on performing their best Helen Keller impressions by acting blind and deaf to each and every vehement condemnation of the KKK and white supremacists by President Trump, the rest of us sit around completely bewildered, asking ourselves…”Who the hell let these maniacs out of the asylum?”

So, was I the only one sort of appalled by the scene of an angry mob tearing down that Robert E. Lee statue in North Carolina?   Unfortunately, this movement to whitewash any tainted part of our history, real or perceived, is sweeping the nation like John, Paul, Ringo, and George did in 1964.  You want to apply the moral standards of today to people 200 plus years ago? Completely asinine.  Do these liberal progressives NOT have the intellectual capacity to contextualize the fact that guys like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were slave owners?  I suppose not…at least absent their anti-psychotic meds.  The REAL tragedy is that ANY sort of violence in this country has been completely normalized and accepted IF IT’S IN SUPPORT OF SOME LIBERAL NARRATIVE.  Historical statues torn down and defaced, Black Lives Matter rioters tearing up cities and chanting, “pigs in a blanket, fry’em like bacon,” mountains of videos of Trump supporters getting the crap beat out of them by “tolerant” liberals, endless violent protests on college campuses because a conservative dares to speak, etc.  And with every damn bit of it….zero condemnation by the media or the Democrat party.  Totally complicit. Shoe on the other foot?  Fuggedaboutit!  Media Armageddon.  Oh yeah, one final note to Libs…during the Civil War...IT WAS YOUR SIDE THAT WANTED SLAVERY, AND THE REPUBLICANS THAT WANTED TO END IT!!!  My god, delusion and ignorance is a wicked bad combo, isn’t it?

There has been an absolute plethora of great comments by various folks on this subject that I found quite interesting and insightful…except for one that will stand out like Michael Moore at an organic vegetable shop.  The first is from one of my go-to conservative writers, Charles Hurt of The Washington Times...”Real guts, these fine people have, to take a stand against something so popular as racism.  Yeah, it’s right up there with gonorrhea, syphilis, flesh-eating amoebas and child rape. Good old red-white-and-blue racism.  But there is a method to this nihilistic madness. Without “racist America,” you would not have the political party known as Democrats. Its entire existence, every dime it raises, every position it takes is based on this century-old cliché that somehow America — the country that invented freedom and self-governance — is still totally racist.”  These dim-witted Libs are more divorced from reality than the dirtbags at an inner city crack house.

Ok…I’m back.  I’m about to share a Nancy Pelosi quote, and as the mere thought of her typically makes me want to toss my cookies, I had to run into the other room first to take my anti-nausea medication.  I think it’s kicking in.  You should be sitting for this…“If the President is sincere about rejecting white supremacists, he should remove all doubt by firing Steve Bannon and the other alt-right white supremacist sympathizers in the White House.” Well, Steve Bannon in fact DID get fired, so Nancy’s wish came true.  Also, it’s been reported that Pelosi was seen singing about her next wish…”If I Only Had A Brain.”  With apologies to the Scarecrow, of course.  You see, in Pelosi’s Land of Oz, everyone runs around the West Wing in white robes and hoods while roasting weenies on burning crosses. Calling this woman a moron is a total affront to morons everywhere.  Frankly, I’ve never been a fan of Bannon, but he did say something in an interview right before his firing that really encapsulates the political reality facing these liberal lunatics…“The Democrats – the longer they talk about identity politics,  I got ’em. I want them to talk about racism every day. If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats.” Couldn’t agree more.  But I’m still glad he’s gone.

Finally, always being a “save the best for last” sorta guy, I give you basketball legend and truth-teller Charles Barkley, who said, “I’m 54 years old.  I’ve never thought about those statues a day in my life.  I think if you ask most black people, to be honest, they ain’t thought a day in their life about those stupid statues.  What we as black people need to do … we need to worry about getting our education.  We need to stop killing each other. We need to try to find a way to have more economic opportunity. Those things are important and significant.”

A little perspective goes a long way.  Right on, Sir Charles.


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