Daily Archives: August 23, 2017

The Great American Whitewash

Well, as the solar eclipse came and went, the hysterical Libs keep spinning out of control faster than the teacups at The Magic Kingdom.  And just when I thought I’ve heard the most nonsensical and delusional words dribbling out of the pieholes of those on the Left, they continue to outdo themselves over and over again…and this past week was no exception. Trump is a racist, his supporters are racists, this is a racist country…yada, yada, yada.  As I’ve said before, they may as well call people eggplants or kumquats, because that would be as meaningful at this point as calling them racist…a word rendered virtually meaningless by Libs. As they say…if everyone’s a racist, no one’s a racist.  So, while the Leftists insist on performing their best Helen Keller impressions by acting blind and deaf to each and every vehement condemnation of the KKK and white supremacists by President Trump, the rest of us sit around completely bewildered, asking ourselves…”Who the hell let these maniacs out of the asylum?” Continue reading