Daily Archives: August 17, 2017

North KKKorea

Is there a better word to describe the past week than “chaos?”  Chaos caused by nut cake freaks, to be more precise.  As if that fat little psychopath man-boy with a cereal bowl haircut in North Korea wasn’t enough to have you reaching for the Zantac, then the Neo-Nazi, KKK misfit losers who decided to crawl out from under their respective racist rocks to have a picnic in the park in Charlottesville, VA surely was.  And right on cue, the despicable media, quite predictably, uses both situations to beat President Trump over the head with.  C’mon…to the media, what The Donald says about ANYTHING makes about as much difference as which scale Michael Moore crawls onto…it’s STILL gonna say 450 pounds.  Or what microphone Nancy Pelosi speaks into…her words will STILL be asinine.  ANY words uttered by Trump about ANY subject on ANY day makes the fake news media salivate hate like a rabid Pavlov’s dog. Continue reading