
As objectionable as I find the dishonest and biased mainstream media, I have to agree with them on one point.  Thus far, the complete inability by the congressional keystone cops of the GOP to send ANYTHING to President Trump’s desk relative to repealing and replacing Obamacare is a textbook epic fail…surely the legislative equivalent of the Hindenburg.  I may have a conservative point of view in this blog, but I am no apologist for these inept Republicans. Having said that…no matter how many times Chuckie Schumer crows about this GOP failure, it was his own stupid Socialist wannabe party that jammed government controlled Obamacare down the throats of Americans like a side-show sword-swallower, and make no mistake…THEY ARE TO BLAME FOR ITS IMPLOSION!  AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT!  PERIOD!  The Dems have gotten their liberal asses handed to them in four straight election cycles, largely due to the Obamacare clusterf**k.  Despite Chuckie’s best efforts to play fast and loose with the blame game, that ship has sailed…the Obamacrud noose around the Dem party neck was tightened, and the platform kicked away long ago…

As always, a little perspective is the best medicine.  And who better to administer it than Dr. Charles Krauthammer, who gets to the root of the difficulty in ridding ourselves of that wretched Obamacare...“The country does not want to see the entitlements that were handed out by Obamacare retracted. That’s the issue….It’s the fact that Medicaid was inflated. It was supposed to be for women and poor children and the disabled. It was inflated by Obama to include able-bodied workers up to 400 percent of the poverty line. So this is completely out of its original intent.  It’s the reason that the left usually wins, because when you hand out goodies since the New Deal, it is extremely hard to bring them back.”  Ah, and there’s the proverbial rub.  Trust me…nobody actually PAYING for Obamacare is clinging to those crappy policies that they can’t even afford to use because the yearly deductibles are more than Zimbabwe’s GDP.

Thankfully, Senate Majority Leader McConnell, aka “The Great Mitchzini,” pulled a rabbit out of his hat by herding the Republican cats in the Senate to pass a bill that simply enables Senators to move forward with debating the Healthcare bill on the floor. Even for just THAT…the planets had to align.  Passed by a single vote, requiring John McCain to fly to DC at the 11th hour to cast his vote, despite his cancer diagnosis…and THEN a tie-breaking vote by VP Mike Pence to push the measure over the top.  I mean, the fact that this is such a tooth-pulling endeavor for Republicans who promised an Obamacare repeal for seven years is, quite frankly, a bigger joke than Michael Moore ordering Diet Coke on his last trip to Golden Corral.

The Senate vote to proceed with debate notwithstanding, here’s how I see things right now…admittedly, with a bit of optimism swizzled in…First, while embarrassing and pathetic, this is not necessarily Armageddon for Republicans if they completely fail on this.  The delusional Dems think folks will clamor to them in the 2018 midterms if repeal and replace efforts go down in flames?  Just like every time Nancy Pelosi opens up her big Botox infested yap, that makes ZERO sense. You think people that want repeal and replace will suddenly flip to far left Democrats who will make a full court press for single-payer healthcare?  Uh…no.  What WILL happen is that the Republicans who have been wetting their rubber underpants and wouldn’t play ball on this will get primaried by more willing participants.  Second, let’s face it…Obamacare affects relatively few people…about 10 million in the Obamacare marketplace, and another 10 million via Medicaid expansion.  There’s what…330 million people in the country?  Hmmm.  That’s like the few drops of Vermouth I dribble into my Vodka Martini every day at 5pm.  And dollars to donuts, the lion’s share of the 20 million are safe-space dwelling Lib Democrats anyway.

Lastly…and here’s the kicker…if repeal and replace DOES swirl down the crapper, the GOP MUST NOT FAIL ON TAX CUTS!  That would be the elusive major legislative win the GOP craves, AND it would no doubt Juice the economy (sorry for that gratuitous, albeit topical, OJ reference). Like Bill Clinton said himself, “It’s the economy, stupid.”  Of course, he also said, “Why Monica, what a pretty blue dress you’re wearing.”  Actually, it was Clinton’s Chief Strategist James Carville who first uttered the economy quote, but Bill repeated it more times than he demonstrated to Monica how cigars weren’t JUST for smoking.  Anyway, with a roaring economy, the party in power is like Tom Brady in the Super Bowl…damn hard to beat.  But if they fail on tax cuts too?

Nancy Pelosi just may become Speaker of the House again.  And that’s not good for anybody.

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