Daily Archives: July 26, 2017


As objectionable as I find the dishonest and biased mainstream media, I have to agree with them on one point.  Thus far, the complete inability by the congressional keystone cops of the GOP to send ANYTHING to President Trump’s desk relative to repealing and replacing Obamacare is a textbook epic fail…surely the legislative equivalent of the Hindenburg.  I may have a conservative point of view in this blog, but I am no apologist for these inept Republicans. Having said that…no matter how many times Chuckie Schumer crows about this GOP failure, it was his own stupid Socialist wannabe party that jammed government controlled Obamacare down the throats of Americans like a side-show sword-swallower, and make no mistake…THEY ARE TO BLAME FOR ITS IMPLOSION!  AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT!  PERIOD!  The Dems have gotten their liberal asses handed to them in four straight election cycles, largely due to the Obamacare clusterf**k.  Despite Chuckie’s best efforts to play fast and loose with the blame game, that ship has sailed…the Obamacrud noose around the Dem party neck was tightened, and the platform kicked away long ago… Continue reading