Daily Archives: July 20, 2017

The Relentless Russian Ruse

The Lib Media and the Democrat party, like spurned lovers, just cannot seem to muster the wherewithal to move on with their lives.  Pathetic.  But ya know, I think I’ve turned over somewhat of a new leaf on this…be a bit more understanding in my old age, I suppose.  Look at things a bit more clinically.  The complete inability of the Left to accept Hillary’s epic defeat has simply morphed into an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder as it relates to Russia…which they see as nothing but a tool to pry President Trump out of the White House….or at the very least, put the kibosh on his agenda.  OCD is a sickness, deserving of our sympathy and understanding, right?  Luckily for these snowflakes, Obamacare requires mental health coverage…so, they got THAT going for them.  As for the rest of us?  Well, if we have to continue to listen ad nauseam how The Donald is redecorating his office in The Kremlin, we’ll all be sharing a rubber room with these nut jobs before long.  WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE TAKING MY BELT! Continue reading