G20 Gyrations

Another meeting of the G20 has passed, with the so-called “reporting” as predictable as the pain from a jagged kidney stone.  The G20, of course, is the annual international forum for the governments of the 20 major economies…19 individual countries, plus the European Union (EU).  And once again, it’s Christmas in July for thousands of anarchistic thugs, who crawl out from underneath their anti-Capitalist rocks to riot, vandalize, set fires, throw bottles, and just for kicks, injure a few hundred police in Hamburg, Germany.  Their mothers must be SO proud. Or as the lefty media calls them…”legitimate protesters”…in their usual fawning and romanticizing sort of way.  Then, right on cue, the media rolls-out their pre-written stories and preordained conclusions of Donald Trump’s “performance”.  Disastrous, abysmal, amateurish, racist…you know, how the media pretty much describes each and every day in the life of Donald Trump. Except it was anything but.  These liberal media schlubs REALLY need to enter a 12-step rehab program…Hello, my name is CNN and I am a Trump Hating Fake News addict…HELLO CNN!!!

On his way to Hamburg, President Trump made a quick pit stop in Warsaw, Poland to first pick up some killer sausages, and then make what was, by most accounts, an amazing Reaganesque sort of speech.  As described in a NY Post opinion piece, “…praising Poland’s long struggle for freedom and repeatedly calling out Russia for its invasions, occupations and atrocities…that Western civilization is worth defending and that the fundamental question of our time is whether we’ll defend it.  And other such “radical” sentiments that the CNN’s and Washington Post’s of the world characterized as dog whistles for “white” nationalism, Islamophobia, and immigrant bashing…Jesus, what lunatics.  Forget Trump’s ACTUAL words.  We in the media will tell you what bigoted meaning is REALLY lurking…the journalistic equivalent of spinning vinyl backwards.

My favorite line in Trump’s Warsaw speech laments the heavy hand of government…“This danger is invisible to some but familiar to the Poles:  the steady creep of government bureaucracy that drains the vitality and wealth of the people.  The West became great not because of paperwork and regulations but because people were allowed to chase their dreams and pursue their destinies.”   The sound of liberal heads exploding over THAT statement would drown out the nightly fireworks at the Magic Kingdom.  To be sure, a sentiment so astronomically contrary to the European Leftist open border and welfare state ideology that Obama dreamed of when spewing his “fundamentally transform this nation” Socialist nonsense.  

And then the long-awaited moment…Trump vs Putin…the Ali-Frazier of geopolitics.  A meeting scheduled for 30 minutes ran on for over four times that.  Trump pressed him firmly on the election interference thing a couple of times, Putin denied…shocker…and they moved on. Anything less than Trump literally kicking old Vlad in his Russian gonads and storming out of the meeting was not going to satisfy the media.  Absurdity on steroids.  Here’s the Russian election meddling hypocrisy explained as easy as one, two, three:  1) Had Hillary won the election, the entire Liberal establishment would have had very little interest in any of it, but now pretend to, ONLY in an attempt to tie Trump to it and fulfill their twisted impeachment fetish.  2)  The hysterical shrieks of how our Democracy is at stake over this is beyond ridiculous.  The Russians and other nations have been doing this sort of thing for decades, with nary a raised eyebrow. 3) The U.S. has a painfully long history in meddling in the elections of other nations, including by Hillary herself in the 2011 Russian election…likely the basis for Russian actions in OUR 2016 election…NOT to support Trump, but to screw Hillary.  Ew.  Not to mention well documented, aggressive meddling by Obama to oust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his 2015 election.  And on and on.  Our hands are FAR from clean…not condoning any of it, but the total amnesia and hypocrisy of the apoplectic Libs is more laughable than Michael Moore jogging down Daytona Beach in a speedo.

So, President Trump is lambasted by the Looney Left for trying to develop some sort of working relationship with Putin, when the last few Administrations have attempted the very same thing…and failed miserably.  The double standard orgy continues.  At about the same time in his young presidency that Obama embarked on his “Apology Tour” seeking forgiveness for all of America’s past and present transgressions, President Trump does the opposite, as described by Michael Goodwin in his NY Post column...”Unlike his predecessor, Trump doesn’t travel to apologize for America and surrender to multi-cultural sensitivities. He was elected to slam the brakes on the poisonous ideas that redistribution of wealth and managing decline are the president’s chief duties.”  Spot on Mr. Goodwin, as always.

And lastly, First Daughter and near-perfect female specimen Ivanka Trump was asked by Dad to fill in for him momentarily at the adult table at a big G20 meeting while The Donald was tending to a bilateral chat with Japan.  The media inexplicably soiled their Underoos over this…I mean, Ivanka IS a Senior White House Advisor, for God’s sake.  And if it was Chelsea Clinton…shudder the thought…the media freaks would be dripping with pleasure.  Not like he asked his third cousin Lenny just out on parole to be a seat filler, a la Kramer at the Tony’s (apologize for THAT gratuitous Seinfeld reference).

So much for empowering women, eh Libs?

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