Daily Archives: July 12, 2017

G20 Gyrations

Another meeting of the G20 has passed, with the so-called “reporting” as predictable as the pain from a jagged kidney stone.  The G20, of course, is the annual international forum for the governments of the 20 major economies…19 individual countries, plus the European Union (EU).  And once again, it’s Christmas in July for thousands of anarchistic thugs, who crawl out from underneath their anti-Capitalist rocks to riot, vandalize, set fires, throw bottles, and just for kicks, injure a few hundred police in Hamburg, Germany.  Their mothers must be SO proud. Or as the lefty media calls them…”legitimate protesters”…in their usual fawning and romanticizing sort of way.  Then, right on cue, the media rolls-out their pre-written stories and preordained conclusions of Donald Trump’s “performance”.  Disastrous, abysmal, amateurish, racist…you know, how the media pretty much describes each and every day in the life of Donald Trump. Except it was anything but.  These liberal media schlubs REALLY need to enter a 12-step rehab program…Hello, my name is CNN and I am a Trump Hating Fake News addict…HELLO CNN!!! Continue reading