A Litany of Liberal Lunacy

Those starry-eyed liberals…they sure got a lot of hopes and dreams.  But truthfully…without our hopes and dreams, what DO we really have?  Clearly, all roads in their world of leftist fantasy lead to forcibly removing President Trump from office.  Impeachment prospects looking a bit dim?  Not to worry.  About a couple dozen of the Far Left House Democrats (sorry for that redundancy) have signed onto a bill being drafted that could theoretically lead to President Trump’s removal from office using 25th Amendment powers, which deals with situations where the President is mentally, or otherwise incapacitated.  This absurd publicity stunt is coming from generally the same cast of IQ-challenged Socialist characters that were talking impeachment BEFORE TRUMP WAS EVEN INAUGURATED!  And HE’s the mentally unstable one?! Jesus, gimme a break.  Well, I suppose his latest tweet about Facelift Mika and Psycho Joe was likely A Bridge Too Far for these unhinged Trump haters. Never mind that the Sonny and Cher of MSNBC call the sitting President names like schmuck, Hitler, and pig on a daily basis…and those were the compliments.  Streetfighter Donald hits back ONCE, and his psychotic Libtard enemies in the media do the whole feigned outrage act.  How rich.  OK, enough about the stupid tweets.  The unemployed coal miner in West Virginia doesn’t give a rat’s ass about tweets, and frankly, neither do I.  Lots of other Lib lunacy from this past week to shine a light on…

Kate’s Law:  Once again, Liberals refuse to get on the right side of an issue by largely voting against Kate’s Law, which passed in The House along a mostly Party line vote, although it did garner 24 Dem votes.  Well, at least 24 Dems chose not to commit political suicide…bully for them.  Kate’s Law, of course, is named after Kate Steinle, a beautiful 32-year-old woman from San Francisco, who tragically died in her father’s arms two years ago after being gunned down by an illegal immigrant who was deported and re-entered the U.S seven times, with five felony convictions to boot.  So, Kate’s Law would simply throw a 5 year minimum sentence at CRIMINAL illegal aliens who get deported and then get caught re-entering the country.  So, what civilized, and of right mind, member of the human race would be against THAT??  Not a trick question…most Democrats, that’s who.  But why?  As I’ve explained many times before, these Libs don’t give a good goddamn about illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America. They are simply a voting constituency growing exponentially that votes 75% Democrat.  So, they want to jam as many illegals in the country as they can, with zero regard for current immigration law…OR protecting the public.  When you couple them with African-Americans, who vote over 90% Democrat…well, at some point, you’ll never see another Republican in the White House….EVER.  This has been THE GAME all along…an inconvenient truth for which they will call you every vile name in the book for suggesting, but will NEVER admit.

So, with just 8 Dem votes needed to pass in the Senate, Kate’s Law just might squeak by. Thousands of families ripped apart in this country by violent crimes perpetrated by criminal illegal aliens, and most Dems couldn’t care less.  How can I say such a thing?  Here’s how…otherwise they would ALL vote for this law.  There are precisely ZERO nuances with this one.  Public safety…period.  Absolutely shameful if this goes down in flames.

Supreme Court Victory:  As expected, the Supreme Court mostly reinstated President Trump’s temporary travel ban from six war-torn countries where vetting is about as possible as Michael Moore slipping into a pair of skinny jeans.  Nine to zip, no less.  A true legal ass-whipping, courtesy of The Supremes.  Watch for the most liberal Circuit Courts to continue to challenge. They seem to be OK with unfettered travel from failed terror states like Yemen and Somalia, among others.  I mean, what could POSSIBLY go wrong?

Fake News Frenzy:  Not a good week for those dealing in Fake News.  Let’s rapid fire this…CNN story about Trump associate Anthony Scaramucci, falsely linking him to the Russia investigation. Story retracted, three CNN staffers responsible for the story “resigned,” apology made and accepted.  Not to be outdone by their Fake News brethren over at the Clinton News Network, the failing New York Times, while in the midst of laying off droves of employees, was forced to issue a correction stating that not 17, but 4, intel agencies agreed that Russians were behind email hacking during the election.  May not seem like a BIG deal, but the extreme level to which this “fact” was reported and repeated makes it pretty egregious in my book.  I mean, 17 is a far cry from 4. Who knew Libs were so bad at math?  And lastly, the Associated Press issued a retraction to a story describing a meeting between EPA Chief Scott Pruitt and DOW Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris, AND alleging some kind of impropriety for good measure. Except…oops…turns out the meeting never REALLY happened in the first place.  And so it goes…

Outrage of the Week:  Why is it ALWAYS San Francisco?  Are they even part of this country?  Two burning questions, but I digress.  Anyway…ILLEGAL immigrant from El Salvador, who SF Police called after they found his stolen car, was awarded $190,000 for being turned over to immigration authorities in violation of that city’s Sanctuary City Law.  At first, I thought this HAD to be from one of those news satire sites like The Onion.  Sadly, I was wrong.  OK…this dude was awarded a small fortune based on SF violating one of THEIR OWN laws that just happens to be in direct violation of Federal Law.  Like if that Rhodes Scholar Nancy Pelosi entered the Congressional Spelling Bee…it just FEELS wrong on so many levels.  Another tight competition, but certainly this week’s unanimous winner of the Liberal Idiocy Award.

Ya know, this is getting WAY too easy…

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