Daily Archives: July 5, 2017

A Litany of Liberal Lunacy

Those starry-eyed liberals…they sure got a lot of hopes and dreams.  But truthfully…without our hopes and dreams, what DO we really have?  Clearly, all roads in their world of leftist fantasy lead to forcibly removing President Trump from office.  Impeachment prospects looking a bit dim?  Not to worry.  About a couple dozen of the Far Left House Democrats (sorry for that redundancy) have signed onto a bill being drafted that could theoretically lead to President Trump’s removal from office using 25th Amendment powers, which deals with situations where the President is mentally, or otherwise incapacitated.  This absurd publicity stunt is coming from generally the same cast of IQ-challenged Socialist characters that were talking impeachment BEFORE TRUMP WAS EVEN INAUGURATED!  And HE’s the mentally unstable one?! Jesus, gimme a break.  Well, I suppose his latest tweet about Facelift Mika and Psycho Joe was likely A Bridge Too Far for these unhinged Trump haters. Never mind that the Sonny and Cher of MSNBC call the sitting President names like schmuck, Hitler, and pig on a daily basis…and those were the compliments.  Streetfighter Donald hits back ONCE, and his psychotic Libtard enemies in the media do the whole feigned outrage act.  How rich.  OK, enough about the stupid tweets.  The unemployed coal miner in West Virginia doesn’t give a rat’s ass about tweets, and frankly, neither do I.  Lots of other Lib lunacy from this past week to shine a light on… Continue reading