The Violent Left

The shooting of Congressman Steve Scalise (R-LA), House Majority Whip, represents a frightening advance in the evolution of Far Left violence against Republicans and Conservatives, or really, anyone that dares not bow at the altar of Progressive Groupthink.  And while I am loathe to even say this out loud…President Trump ought not leave the White House premises without being draped in Kevlar…AND a bulletproof limousine for additional prophylactic effect. Typically, such visceral hatred for another human being is reserved for murderous dictators, serial killers…and of course, every terrorist on the planet.  I mean, the crazy Libs liken President Trump to Hitler ad nauseam, do they not?  And seemingly every day, this hatred is morphing into a sickening violence…at Fascist college campuses where conservatives dare not speak, at faux George Soros funded Leftist Hippie protests…or simply some poor schmuck that decides to take an afternoon stroll while donning a bright red “Make America Great Again” hat…and gets the crap beat out of him by some “inclusive and tolerant” Libtard.

So, in the face of all this violence perpetrated by brainwashed Progressives, here’s what we see in its aftermath…incidents either downplayed, ignored, mischaracterized, or outright denied by the media; Democratic leaders reluctantly offering a smattering of meaningless platitudes of condemnation, resulting in what I would consider a passive condoning; lastly, outright and in your face cheering of the violence by the Far Left kooks in cyberspace, most major networks, and failing newspapers.  Just for giggles, I offer this challenge…fire up Google and go searching for incidents of violence by those on the Right directed at those on the Left.  And good luck.  Will be easier finding a grainy picture of Big Foot riding on the back of the Loch Ness monster like a jet ski…or a Lib at an Ann Coulter book signing.

Consider the recent violent images seeping into the public psyche…the bloody Trump head held up by that red-headed broad…Kathy, what’s her face?  New York Public Theater’s Shakespeare in the Park’s graphic depiction of Julius Caesar’s assassination using an actor costumed in the spitting image of Donald Trump.  Had there been such violent, bloody images of Barack Obama, the outcry from the Libs and media would have been so deafening the globe would have spun off its axis.

One of the far left nut cake hosts on MSNBC, Joy Reid, proving once again that liberalism is nothing less than a vile mental disorder, shows about as much class as a puss-oozing infection by attacking Steve Scalise’s politics after he was capped by one of her Leftist comrades.  As Fox News Media critic Howard Kurtz so aptly describes… “What Joy Reid is doing is just appalling. Appalling! While Steve Scalise remains in a hospital bed fighting for his life, she is attacking him because she doesn’t like his politics and then kind of justifying it on some moral level. “Well, are we just supposed to ignore the fact that he hasn’t voted the way that I think he should vote.” And then for Joy Reid to tweet that Scalise was attacked by a white man but saved by a Capitol Police Officer who says she is a black lesbian. Why bring race into it? Why bring sexual preference into it? It’s just ugliness.”  Spot on, Howie.

Well, like potato chips…or beer…it’s impossible to stop at just one.  And so as not to pick on any single group, let’s pick on three…the Media, the Dem Party, and Hollywood.  Now that’s fair and balanced all day long.  So, strap on your favorite rubber boots as you wade through the following verbal excrement, lightning round style…In some prepared remarks, CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley, said the day after the GOP shooting… “It’s time to ask whether the attack on the United States Congress yesterday was foreseeable, predictable, and to some degree, self-inflicted.”  Self-inflicted???  Wow.  Allow me to translate…It’s OK to gun down folks with Conservative viewpoints.  Way to go Pelley, you walking, talking piece of liberal dog squeeze. In keeping with the “dog squeeze” sentiment, AND not to be outdone by Pelley, I give you Phil Montag, a Nebraska Democrat Party official, who so eloquently opined the following about Steve Scalise, “I’m glad he got shot.  I wish he was f***ing dead.”  Right back at ya, Phil. Even a bit much for the Nebraska Dems, who immediately removed him from his post.  This last one probably isn’t worth the keystrokes…but…speaking for vile, self-absorbed Marxists everywhere, Pirate wannabe Johnny Depp wonders out loud  “When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? I want to qualify, I am not an actor, I lie for a living. However, it has been a while and maybe it is time.”  Bad Lincoln reference.  Hey, what do you expect from a wife-beater?

NY Post opinion writer Michael Goodwin, a fav of mine whom I quote frequently, wrote on this very subject recently, and in comparing any racial prejudice Obama endured, bottomed-lined it quite nicely as follows, “…a major difference was that all major American institutions, and virtually the entire political establishment, denounced that despicable animus when it surfaced. A united front against open expressions of racism held its ground.  With Trump, just the opposite is happening. The rage over his election, instead of waning, continues to gather steam. The fervent desire to be rid of him and anyone who supports him is expanding into dangerous dimensions.  And now the first shot has been fired. Let’s pray it is the last and that America comes to its senses before it is too late.”

Suffice it to say that these psychotic un-American scumbags have proven they will stop at nothing to wrangle President Trump out of the White House like a stubborn cork from a bottle of Cabernet, and if they can’t undo the election through a contrived, railroaded impeachment conjured up by the Deep State…well, they are fully capable of more drastic measures.

You know it, I know it…and without a doubt, the Secret Service knows it.


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