“You’re Fired!”

That Jim Comey sure as hell wastes no time.  About three nanoseconds after his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee ended last week, it was reported he was on the cusp of a ten million dollar book deal.  As usual, it’s all about the Benjamin’s.  And I have a great title for it…”Sweet Revenge.” Let’s see…Trump, of course, holds the top spot on the revenge hit parade for the humiliating firing of Comey, like he was a contestant on “The Apprentice – FBI Edition,” followed by former Obama Administration Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who he completely threw under a parade of Greyhounds.  And last but not least, the lying, leg-wetting liberal loons of the mainstream media…the very people he used as a tool for his leaks…gleefully bestowing upon them the “Fake News” moniker.  And if I hear one more time about Jim Comey’s “integrity,” I’m gonna lose my lunch.  This guy has proven himself to be a self-absorbed political hack who leaks more than a busted pipe.  Jim Comey is all about Jim Comey.  All “Gee Whiz” and “Lordy” on the outside, conniving and deceitful on the inside…the political equivalent of Eddie Haskell.

So let me get this straight…this whole dog and pony spectacle was presumably for the purpose of uncovering SOME illegality. Hmmm…a sitting Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, clearly colluding with the Clinton campaign in an attempt to influence an election by downplaying the Hillary private server investigation…oh sorry, I mean, “matter.”  Lynch and her BFF, Slick Willie Clinton, potentially obstructing justice “on the tarmac,” resulting in a “Get Out Of Jail Free” card for Hillary.  Comey himself leaking privileged conversations he had with President Trump.  Mountains of illegal leaks of classified information to the press by God knows who.  All of this juicy stuff elicited nothing but a collective yawn by the Dems on the Intelligence Committee and the Lefty Media.  And now, an “Independent” Counsel, headed by Comey’s bestie Bob Mueller, and stocked with a gaggle of Obama/Clinton loyalists and donors.  Now THERE’S a big fat thumb on the scale of justice if I ever saw one.  Even Stevie Wonder can see where this witch-hunt…I mean investigation, is headed. The Deep State Establishment has concluded that Trump MUST HAVE done something illegal and impeachable, and now is in the “fact-concocting” business to achieve their sleazy objective.  Backwards for sure, but the ends justify the means, right?

Finally, Republicans are beginning to call a spade a spade. After Jim Comey testified there was no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia, Congressman Sean Duffy (R-Wis) questions, “What the hell are we investigating? Why are we going through with this charade?” Good questions…with answers as obvious as Nancy Pelosi’s dementia. Comey, already a card-carrying member of the Never Trump Resistance Movement, and shallower than the kiddie pool at the YMCA, lives and breathes to destroy a President by throwing in with the Deep State establishment, Far Left Media, and now, his buddy Bob Mueller and his merry band of Democratic donors.  A deck more stacked than Dolly Parton.

Turns out it is Comey who can teach Trump a thing or two about the fine art of collusion.

Go figure.

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