Daily Archives: June 18, 2017

“You’re Fired!”

That Jim Comey sure as hell wastes no time.  About three nanoseconds after his testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee ended last week, it was reported he was on the cusp of a ten million dollar book deal.  As usual, it’s all about the Benjamin’s.  And I have a great title for it…”Sweet Revenge.” Let’s see…Trump, of course, holds the top spot on the revenge hit parade for the humiliating firing of Comey, like he was a contestant on “The Apprentice – FBI Edition,” followed by former Obama Administration Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who he completely threw under a parade of Greyhounds.  And last but not least, the lying, leg-wetting liberal loons of the mainstream media…the very people he used as a tool for his leaks…gleefully bestowing upon them the “Fake News” moniker.  And if I hear one more time about Jim Comey’s “integrity,” I’m gonna lose my lunch.  This guy has proven himself to be a self-absorbed political hack who leaks more than a busted pipe.  Jim Comey is all about Jim Comey.  All “Gee Whiz” and “Lordy” on the outside, conniving and deceitful on the inside…the political equivalent of Eddie Haskell. Continue reading