Pittsburgh, Paris, and Politics

Please indulge me as I begin with something really frivolous and unimportant, but maddening at the same time…just need to cleanse myself of this.  I mean, I would really love to just ignore that skank Kathy Griffin, but my ire is getting the better of me….as it often does.  The stunt Griffin pulled, holding up a bloody replica of a beheaded Donald Trump, ISIS style, is completely emblematic of the psychotic, unhinged Left…still mired in an endless sweaty nightmare where Donald Trump ACTUALLY occupies the White House.  And while there was seemingly universal outrage initially, there has been a rush of Libs now DEFENDING her, ex post facto.  Shocker. Then, some stunningly asinine press conference where she says the Trump family is trying to destroy her life.  Now, THAT’s funny.  Oh yeah, and this too…her video “apology,” which she delivered sans makeup.  Now, I’m typically all for the natural look, but for her, one piece of advice…stick with the Loreal, bitch.  There, I feel cleansed.  Now, as our friend Kathy is busy making all the final funeral arrangements for her career, I shall gleefully proceed with my normal, weekly Lib bashing…

Let’s Make A Deal – Nobody loves a good, snappy line more than me.  So, when Trump kept yet another campaign promise and withdrew from that horrid Paris Climate Accord, he says...”I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.”  Well, I though it was kinda catchy. Love the whole “America First” vibe…got away from that, oh, the past eight years or so.  Anyway, here are a few inconvenient facts for my liberal friends to choke on, while they are no doubt hanging out with Al Gore in front of Trump Tower on 5th Avenue in NYC waiting anxiously for high tide to roll in…According to a National Economic Research Associates (NERA) study, 1) Sticking with the deal could have cost 2.7 million lost jobs by 2025, including a loss of 440,000 manufacturing jobs…and with no discernible effect on global temperatures.  2) By 2040, the total economic cost to the U.S. would approach $3 trillion in lost gross domestic product and 6.5 million industrial jobs.  A ginormous transfer of wealth from the U.S to other countries…SO OF COURSE THEY’RE PISSED IN LIBERAL LAND!  As if that’s not enough, the real kick in the nads is that the LeBron James and Steph Curry of polluters, China and India, had no requirements placed on them to even think about cleaning up their respective cesspools until 2030.  Geez, I got a better deal once from a used car salesman in a plaid sports coat named Lenny.  This thing wasn’t even an enforceable treaty, but a flaccid agreement with no accountability that not even a truckload of Viagra could harden up.  A “feel good” climate participation trophy for the Liberal World Elites…who by the way, with their private jets, mansions, and palaces, have bigger carbon footprints than Liechtenstein.  A deal as fake a John Travolta’s hair, and as bad as the Dutch screwing the Indians out of Manhattan.  Say what you want about Trump…but he can put the kibosh on a bad deal faster than Congress leaves town on recess.  A YUGE win for the American taxpayer.  So, from the bottom of my heart…thank you, Mr. President, for not treating my massive yearly tax bill like Monopoly money.

Reap What You Sow – Now, PLEASE don’t misinterpret what I’m about to say…I mean, NOBODY deserves these vile terrorist attacks, like the 3rd one in London in as many months  But what in Sam Hell did these silly liberal fools in Europe expect after decades and decades of open borders, unfettered immigration, engraved invitations to masses of unknown Middle East refugees, where the word “vet” means nothing more than who you take your sick cat to, acceptance of non-assimilation, Sharia Law ruling large Muslim ghettos…I’d go on but my face is turning blue and I need to take a breath.  These poor bastards in Europe are staring out at the ocean…no end in sight…just a lot of tough talk, vigils, and dead bodies.  And make no mistake…the U.S. was racing down the same PC super highway under Obama, and would have gone into turbo mode under a Clinton/Obama 3.0 Administration.  PC kills, always has, always will.  The election of President Trump in and of itself probably saved thousands of future American lives.  An estimate for sure…but I mean, who could even dispute that?  It’s called Reaping What You Sow…like Michael Moore devouring 10,000 calories a day and wondering why he looks like a beached whale.  With apologies to beached whales.

Media Mayhem – CNN, aka The Clinton News Network, has a host by the name of Reza Aslan (a Muslim), who in response to a tweet by President Trump in the aftermath of the latest London attack about his proposed temporary travel ban, himself tweeted the following…“This piece of shit is a not just an embarrassment to America and a stain on the presidency. He’s an embarrassment to humankind.”  Had anyone tweeted anything remotely like this about Obama, their lives would be over…maybe literally.  This guy?  Well, he apologized…not to Trump…but for using the “S” word.  No further action by CNN.  The screaming double standard speaks for itself.  As a Muslim, this mental defective must know that, by far, the largest numbers of victims of terrorist attacks are Muslims themselves.  So, instead of shitting on a President trying to protect HIS worthless ass, he should speak out against the terroristic murders perpetrated by his fellow Muslims ad nauseam.  But he won’t.  Because they NEVER do.

Random Questions…

If Hillary won the election, would the Democrats even PRETEND to give a rat’s ass about “Russian Interference?”

How long before Hillary adds space aliens to the seemingly endless list of things that caused her epic defeat?

If O.J. Simpson married Casey Anthony, would that NOT be one killer couple?


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